Stick to Your Exercise Routine When You’re A Digital Nomad



Try to exercise once a day

If you decide to live and work in the developed world, and especially in big metropolises, things are rather easy regarding your workout choices. You will definitely find a gym around the city, where you can usually ask for membership according to the length of your stay. If you are currently cruising and digital nomading around Pembroke Pines Florida, then you can join the Pembroke pines EMS training program.

Physical fitness refers to the ability of a person to perform some type of physical activity. It is the natural condition that human beings have to do any activity.

Physical fitness is something that a person develops over time. Any quality can be improved through practice and effort.

Each person has a different physical quality for what he/she develops better, however, whatever that quality is, one must have good physical fitness, which, among other components, consists of aerobic capacity and flexibility.

The healthy human being maintains a biopsychosocial balance. Physical and mental health are closely linked and impact productivity, functionality, and adaptability to daily demands. It is expected that the interrelation of the different human dimensions will manifest itself proportionally, that is, the greater the physical health, the greater the intellectual capacity, or vice versa. This study is based on the assumption that people who exercise frequently may be healthier and have greater cognitive or mental performance than people who do not exercise regularly.

If you are a digital nomad, you must probably feel very lucky, and rightly so. But being constantly on the road requires some extra physical effort through your poor body;  you only have one and this one keeps you going. So, respect it.

Three factors will determine your fitness level while you are on the move. Firstly the inner strength to achieve the desired results, then the actual body workout to remain in shape, and last but not least the healthy eating habits. Let’s have a look at them.

Tips for staying fit as a digital nomad

1: Work on your motivation

Firstly, and perhaps most importantly, digital nomads need that extra motivation to convince themselves that they have to stay strong when following the nomadic lifestyle. Your routine has now changed; you find new ‘homes’ every now and then. It’s difficult to stick to a daily program. And what about all these wonderful temptations out there?

You can’t easily resist. And you don’t have to; at least not always. Just remember to make a commitment to yourself that you will find the courage to make up for that crazy last night. Everything is part of the journey. Finding the right balance is the key.

 2: Try to exercise once a day

If you decide to live and work in the developed world, and especially in big metropolises, things are rather easy regarding your workout choices. You will definitely find a gym around the city, where you can usually ask for membership according to the length of your stay.

If your nomad budget allows it, you may also stay at hotels that provide a swimming pool or again gym. Look for yoga or pilates lessons as an alternative workout; you can easily fit them into your schedule (Yoga is a very healthy habit!).

Remember that since your job is mostly done through a computer screen in a seated position, it is advised to take regular breaks; for the sake of both your eyes and your body. A brief rejuvenating workout will not only get your blood flowing but help you concentrate better as well. You are fine if you manage to exercise 3-4 times a week, while in the meantime you do some beautiful full-body stretching exercises.

 3: Keep moving around!

A good idea to keep you moving while working, would be to change often corners within your workstation, or simply change the workspace (if possible) a lot of times, daily. Sitting for a prolonged time at the same spot will only harm you, and you don’t want that.

When it comes to living in the developing world, trying to find and stick to a workout routine might be a more challenging task. Here, you probably have to improvise a lot. The easiest thing you can do is to walk around the place, which has double benefits: sightseeing and exercise. Same with hiking; find out about hiking trails in your location and start walking.

Depending on where you stay, you may also take part in local recreation activities, which is also a great way to meet new people. For example, you can take salsa lessons in Brazil, practice martial arts in India or go snorkeling in Zanzibar. Biking is another good option since you can find it almost everywhere and it’s cheap as well.

The point is that wherever you are, look out for workout facilities. If you don’t really fancy the gum cause you find it rather impersonal, try a local park during off-peak hours; or go for jogging early morning when the town is still asleep. You may even do some bodyweight in your room (if there is enough space): you need no equipment, it can be short in time, plus, you do see results.

However, exercise alone won’t be enough to get the results you want. And this is where eating habits come in the game.

4: Master your diet and eating habits!

Don’t freak out; by diet, I definitely don’t mean a weekly diet plan or the like, neither I am planning to bombard you with do’s and don’ts. It’s just that there are a few nice tips that seem to keep up well with your workouts. Cause creating healthy eating habits is one more vital factor to keep you strong as you move.

Number one on your list should be hydration, especially when you live in hot-climate countries. Keep a bottle of water with you when you go outdoors and don’t underestimate its necessity.

While preparing for a trip, it’s good to pack some healthy snacks; this way you avoid eating here and there like a pig (aka junk food). And try to eat healthy meals most of the time. Alright, you don’t have to be perfect. Besides, you only live once. So, yes, go for that yummy extra fattening local specialty without feeling much guilty (well…once in a while).

As to what this ‘diet’ would be nice to consist of, here we are: Look for protein-based food. Protein will fill your stomach with ‘healthy’ calories, plus it will help build muscle. Moreover, be generous when consuming vegetables, especially the green ones, as they are very rich in nutrients, much needed for your body.

The combination of a regular workout with a relatively right diet, will not only make you stronger and healthier, which you need when you travel often. It will also make sure that the calories are there to build muscle instead of making you fat. Remember that no one expects you to follow advice 100%.


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