Sexual Harassment At Workplace —How Can You Heal As A Victim?



Moving on can be extremely difficult after getting sexually assaulted at your workplace. Situations like these can make you feel helpless and stuck. But you should be able to come to terms with your situation, move past it, and heal with a little effort, work, and some outside counseling. This article will discuss some steps you can take to recover from your trauma.

A victim of sexual harassment may feel shame, guilt, and self-blame in addition to depression and anxiety. There are multiple things you can do to move on from sexual harassment at work if it has happened to you. However, it will take some effort and time. Visit Jeffrey Goldberg Law if you want to connect with a lawyer.

Steps you can take to heal from trauma

  • Accept what happened.

Accepting what happened is allowing yourself to validate your experience. You should not downplay what happened or make excuses for the culprit. Allowing yourself to feel your emotions about the situation is also crucial. Please do not hold the hurt and anger you feel inside, and find ways to let them out healthily. Some activities you can try to release stress include yoga, prayer, meditation, and other stress-releasing practices.

  • Talk to someone about the harassment.

Talking with someone you consider safe can significantly help the situation. Having your feelings and perspective about the situation validated and respected can make a great difference. Steer clear of anyone who you think will invalidate your feelings and shut you down by passing remarks like “you are overreacting or being overly emotional.” Always remember your feelings are valid. If you do not have a safe person to go to, consider looking for support groups locally or online.

  • Journal about your experience.

Journaling about your experience is an excellent gateway to exploring your emotions about your situation. Describe the exact emotions you felt or are feeling due to the sexual harassment and describe how it affected you. Allow yourself to be fully immersed in your feelings and jot them down little by little.

Another helpful tip is to direct a letter to your abuser. Write the things you wish you could have said to that person but could not. Getting all that negative gunk out of your system can help you so much. Therapists recommend journaling because it is one way to express your feelings freely without the fear of judgment. You are able to make sense of what happened to you through journaling. Journaling can be incredibly powerful in that sense.


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