Self-Care Tips for Older Adults



Older Adults

Self-care is something that we talk about a lot in modern life. New moms, busy working parents, young professionals, and stressed-out students are all encouraged to practice self-care to keep themselves fit, healthy, and happy, and perhaps most importantly, to put themselves first from time to time. But while the term is new, the concept certainly isn’t, and self-care isn’t just for the young. Older people need to take care of themselves, prioritizing their changing needs to maintain good physical and mental health and enjoy a good quality of life. Here are some self-care tips for older adults.

Get Outdoors

Spending more time outdoors can be great for your physical and mental health. Being outside means more movement, greater access to fresh air and vitamin D, and time to yourself or with friends. Going for walks, gardening, joining outdoor groups, and even enjoying a cup of coffee on a comfortable garden chair can all be great acts of self-care.

Make New Friends

Loneliness is a huge problem for older people, which can lead to isolation, cognitive decline, and increased isolation. Many older adults find that a move to an assisted living community or senior housing in Thousand Oaks, CA is the ideal solution as it gives them a great way to meet new people at the same stage of life. However, joining local clubs and groups, and getting out of the house more can also help.

Stick to a Routine

Routines are great. They help us to plan so that we can avoid loneliness and boredom. They can also make it easier to get a good night’s sleep, fit in exercise, see family, and keep on top of medication and appointments. Start your routine by making regular plans with friends and booking a once-a-week video call with a loved one.

Eat Well

Nutrition, but also enjoying food, are important elements of self-care. If you’ve got into the habit of eating on the go, grabbing easy meals, or picking instead of savoring a meal you love, it’s time to make a change. Set aside time to cook, even if you are eating on your own, and you’ll start to enjoy mealtimes much more.

Get Regular Check-Ups

As we get older, our body’s needs grow. Make sure you are getting regular check-ups and reviews to keep on top of your health.

Be Proactive About Your Health

If you feel unwell, you are worried about something, or have concerns about your emotional well-being, the biggest act of self-care is seeking help, instead of waiting to see what happens.

Join the Local Library

Joining a library gives you access to stories, but often also friends, craft groups, and other activities which can boost your mood and your well-being and improve your quality of life.

Listen to Your Body

Exercise is a common element of self-care, and it’s certainly something that you should be doing. But as an older person, you need to be aware of your capabilities and limitations. Recovery time might be longer than it used to be, and it’s normal to need more rest. Listen to your body, and rest when you need to.

Self-care is important at any age, but it isn’t always going to be the same. As you get older it’s important to access your needs, and to be aware of your limitations, so that you can prioritize the elements of self-care that will help you the most.


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