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A short yet interesting conversation with the rising star Kazuki Tokaji:



It was a great privilege to have this young rising music star of the industry Kazuki Tokaji with us. We had a great time having a sizzling conversation together.  Wanna know? Let’s give you guys some sneak peeks too, because why not?

Hi, Kazuki!! Where do you belong?

“Hi!!  My name is Kazuki Tokaji and I belong to Japan, but I live in LA. Anyhow, I was born in 1995 and raised in Japan.”

So tell how do you do justice with your love for playing guitar?

“Well, I grew up having an immense love for guitar. I started playing it at a very young age and that was the time when I got my first guitar too. I, along with being a guitarist, also teach guitar, I am a demonstrator and a session guitarist. “

So do you work for special events or stuff?

“Yeah, I play guitar for singers, music festivals and events and bands as well.”

How did you see your love for guitar as a child?

“ I was only 6-7 years when I used to love playing guitar and eventually this love and passion grew much more and hasn’t decreased a bit ever since.”

You have done multiple projects, which is your personal favorite?

“My absolute favorite project that earned me a lot of fame, love, and recognition is Circle the Earth.”

So what is your music genre and tell us if you have any inspirations from the industry too.

“Well, I specialize in metal rock & pop. Also, I admire some musicians from the industry whom I look forward to as my mentors. I admire the American Jazz fusion guitarist and session musician Dean Brown. He is my true inspiration and mentor.”

So how many years have been into the career till now?

“I am an award-winning guitarist who has experience of playing guitar for almost 17 years so far.”

What according to you can lead newbies to a successful place?

“If you wanna have a goal, think about it. Make your vision real vivid. Practice 8 hours a day.”

You have appeared on various radio and T.V platforms, where do you see yourself in near future?

“Yes, I have appeared on T.V on a national level and have toured a lot. I see myself touring the world in near future for my passion and love of playing guitar.”

So how can your fans get in touch with you?

My fans can follow me on Instagram,Face book and also on the website.


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