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Why Regenerative Medicine Might Be A Good Fit for You- Dr. Daniel Moghadam



Dealing with injury-related discomfort could be draining, particularly if you have attempted therapy after therapy and still have not found relief. You may have almost given up hope of reclaiming your life. Do not give up! After all, there might be a solution for you. Regenerative medicine may be precisely what you need to get back to your feet. The expert staff at Modern Aesthetica provides two common forms of regenerative medicine: platelet-rich plasma injections and stem cell therapy. Daniel Moghadam M.D., a specialist in regenerative medicine, could assist you in deciding whether one of these therapy choices is suitable for you. Check out this post to find out more.

What Is Regenerative Medicine And How Does It Work?

Regenerative medicine is a mode of therapy that employs your own body’s cells to promote muscle, tissue, and bone recovery. As above mentioned, this therapy comes in the form of two procedures that are PRP and Stem cell therapy.

PRP includes a higher concentration of growth factors than your blood normally does. With these added nutrients, PRP can aid in the regeneration and healing of nerve endings, wounded tissues, and blood vessels.

In PRP therapy, Dr. Moghadam obtains a blood sample and swirls it in a sophisticated centrifuge, which isolates the blood’s solid components from your platelets. These platelets are injected into the painful or injured region in a concentrated form.

Stem cell therapy is typically utilized to treat more serious injuries or degenerative illnesses of the tissues, muscles, tendons, and bones. Considering that stem cells are undifferentiated, these blank cells could develop into whatever your body requires. As a result, in the event of degenerative damage or injury, these cells could transform into muscle, bone, blood vessels, and cartilage.

When Can You Expect Results From Regenerative Medicine Therapy?

The platelets and stem cells require enough time to mend processes within your body. Therefore, once you undergo stem cell or PRP therapy, it could take weeks or months before you start feeling better. Another advantage of regenerative medicine is that it hardly bears any adverse effects since the stem cells and plasma are obtained from the patient’s body. It eradicates the necessity for outside blood products to undergo comprehensive safety checks.

Why Consider Regenerative Medicine?

Whenever you have previously had chronic illnesses or significant injuries, you can attempt numerous therapies without getting any relief. Have you unsuccessfully tried prescription pain relievers, anti-inflammatories, physical therapy, etc.? If so, it might be time to consider regenerative medicine.

One of the most appealing aspects of regenerative medicine is that it usually only takes one procedure to begin the healing process. These cells initiate the immunological reaction to injury, which initiates the healing cascade at the location of your injury.

Another critical advantage of regenerative medicine is that it may efficiently treat numerous health issues, ranging from orthopedic conditions to wellness concerns. Nevertheless, the clincher is that selecting regenerative medicine against more drastic therapies like surgery is that with only one injection, you can alleviate pain, enhance function, and regenerate tissue. Besides, these injections may endure for years and may even be a long-term solution to your problem.

Have you been suffering from chronic injury or pain and want to learn more about regenerative medicine? Dr. Daniel Moghadam and his expert staff will discuss your unique concerns and help you determine if this solution is right for you. Schedule an initial consultation through mobile or request online today to explore your options.


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