Reasons why You Should Choose Clear Invisalign



In recent years, clear aligners have grown in popularity as a process of realigning and straightening teeth. The main question that arises is whether these aligners can match the expectation. The Invisalign solves misaligned and crooked teeth problems. Most people prefer them because it is hard for another person to note that you have them. If you want to correct your misaligned teeth, Invisalign New York, NY, is the best solution. The following are the reasons why you should choose the clear Invisalign.

It is Comfortable

Most patients have highlighted that Invisalign is more comfortable than traditional metal braces. The Invisalign is created using smooth plastic, which fits snugly against the teeth, different from the obstructive metal brackets. Moreover, there are no wires which will be poking between your cheeks and the soft tissue. The individual will also not have to undergo painful wire tightening every four weeks.

Invisalign is Virtually Invisible

Even after deciding to undergo the treatment, no individual wants to draw the attention that they are undergoing. The people avoided the metal since it was easier for everyone to notice them even more than they could have noticed their crooked teeth. It is hard for people to know that you are wearing Invisalign since it is made of a thin plastic that is almost invisible. Therefore, if you want to straighten your teeth while attracting minimum attention, you should consider having Invisalign.

You Can Eat and Drink Whatever You Want

After having the traditional metal braces, the individual is limited in the food and drinks they can consume. For instance, the person is prohibited from having gum, popcorn, chewy candies, and caramel since they can stick on the brackets. Besides, the individuals are prohibited from eating hard foods since they can break the brackets. However, when you have Invisalign, you can eat every food. You will only be required to remove them before eating and brush after eating and fix them back.

It Boosts Confidence and Self-esteem

If you have crooked teeth, you are usually self-conscious about your condition, which negatively affects your life. However, you are not afraid to show off your teeth after solving the condition. This process boosts the individual’s confidence when talking with the individuals. In most instances, the individuals experience a boost in relationships and general well-being.

It Maintains Better Dental Health

Invisalign has been outlined as one of the processes that maintain an individual’s dental and gum health. It eliminates the gaps, and the crowding helps the individual take care of their teeth better. Besides, since Invisalign is removable, it is easier for a person to maintain overall dental hygiene. The main reason is that you will brush your teeth easily and remove all the remains that could cause bacteria. Do you have crooked or misaligned teeth and are looking for a facility that can solve this condition? You should look no further since the Intelligent Dental Group is here to serve you. Dr. Jennifer Shin has a wide range of experience, having carried out successful recoveries over the years. She will check your condition and listen to your preference before deciding the best option. Visit the facility to attain your desired smile.


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