Ready to Take a Stand?



Traditional offices are a thing of the past. Yes, you still see them around, and they have a place, but today’s workforce is looking for more versatility and flexibility at work. Sitting in a standard office or cubicle all day in between and a long commute in traffic followed by collapsing on the couch to watch TV have taken a toll on Americans from coast to coast. This grind simply takes too large a toll on folks’ mental and physical health. As a result, businesses of all kinds are looking for ways to improve the lives of their team members by creating healthier, happier workplaces.

One innovation that continues to gain momentum is the height-adjustable desk. These desks allow users to switch between standing and sitting throughout the day as often as needed. The benefits of height-adjustable desks include the following:

  • Increased Energy. People who move have better oxygen circulation to their brains, which improves energy and attention.
  • Boosted Mood. Sitters – for more than 6 hours – show more signs of depression, stress, and fatigue than folks who can move around more.
  • Improved Health. The ability to shift position throughout the day provides health benefits to the joints and musculoskeletal system. It also can contribute to weight loss and efforts to reduce the risk of heart attack, stroke, and other diseases. Will a standing desk eliminate these? No. But it might boost someone’s existing efforts.
  • Heightened Productivity. The research shows that adjustable desks can raise productivity significantly. Why? There are probably several reasons for this improvement. For one thing, movement gets the brain going, which can result in better problem-solving and critical thinking. And folks who get to adjust their position need fewer breaks and can keep a steadier pace, which keeps the work flowing and wards off afternoon energy crashes.

Is It Time to Switch Things Up?

Would your office benefit from adjustable-height desks? Talk to your commercial interior designer today about adding adjustable desks to your office space. While it might not be feasible to upgrade every desk to an adjustable model, you can still reap the rewards by adding adjustable desks to shared, common work areas. This option allows your team the flexibility to move around during the day. Fresh work spaces often bring fresh ideas and perspectives to the task at hand.

Don’t get left behind; add adjustable height desks to your workspace today.


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