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Main Things To Consider When Choosing Oak Doors in the UK



Oak Doors in the UK

One of the first things people see when they arrive at your home is your door. This is why when choosing exterior doors it is important to think about their overall appearance and impact on your home. Oak doors are one of the best choices for front doors in the UK. Aside from the cool-looking, oak doors are very durable as well. But when it comes to choosing an oak door, what are the main things you should consider?

Why choose oak?

With various door materials available in the market, why should you choose to buy a door made from oak?

✓ Oak vs Steel – Interior or exterior oak doors compared to steel are more durable, especially solid oak doors. Solid oak can tolerate dents, scratches, and warping.

✓ Oak vs. Glass Fiber – Oak does not fade compared to fiberglass and can withstand anywhere without fading. This, not fade, is not true of other types of wood since some hardwoods tend to fade with direct sunlight exposure .. Another great feature of oak is its appearance, nothing can beat the look and feel of oak doors.

✓ Oak vs Composite – Compared to composite doors, oak is more aesthetically pleasing, plus the natural solid oak doors add value to any property.

✓ Oak vs PVC – Oak as opposed to PVC is environmentally friendly. It is also easier to replace locks and door handles on oak doors than on PVC.

✓ Oak vs Glass – When it comes to safety and durability, the oak wood surface is glass. Oak is safer and better keeps heat and cold than glass.

✓ Oak wood versus aluminum – Not only do oak doors look more natural and beautiful compared to aluminum, they are also more energy efficient.

Why is oak better compared to other types of wood?

With so many types of wood available in the market, what makes oak better than other hardwoods?

Oak vs Mahogany

✓ Pros of Mahogany

Mahogany is famous for its durability and beauty. Its straight grain and various shades make it a great choice for doors.

✓ The downsides of mahogany

Mahogany is expensive and an endangered species. The fact that it is endangered makes it difficult to purchase this type of wood because states consider cutting this tree illegal.

Why is oak better

Oak, although an expensive hardwood, is not as expensive as mahogany. It offers the same fine grain and charm of natural solid wood without the hassle of high price and import issues. Oak, unlike mahogany, is plentiful and endangered.

Oak vs Pine

✓ positives of pine nuts

Pine is inexpensive and has good stains. You can find pine wood in many rustic designs since it is white or yellow giving a very warm rustic look. It can develop into a gentle outer layer that the doors can be made from to resist swelling and shrinkage.

✓ Cons of pine nuts

Pine scratches and scratches easily which makes it not suitable for exterior doors or any door that is severely damaged and used.

Why is oak better

Oak can withstand extreme wear and use making it suitable for almost any door. Oak is also very good at insulating and preventing break-ins because it is a hardwearing hardwood.

Oak vs. alder

Pros of Alder

Alder is a well-known hardwood like maple and cherry. It is a durable wood that can last as long as other hardwoods. It is also weatherproof, which makes it great for exterior doors. It can be used as an alternative to rare hardwoods due to its fine grain.

The alder downsides

Alder tends to fade over time and is also the softest hardwood on the market.

Why is oak better

Oak does not fade and is harder compared to alder. Can withstand kicking. Breaking them with beams and other break-in tools can be difficult especially if the door is made of solid oak.

Things to consider when choosing oak doors

Security – Not all types of oak doors provide the same type of security. For example, solid wood doors although more expensive provide more insulation and protection than other types of doors. When you buy oak doors it is a good idea to ask yourself the following questions below:

  • Is it difficult to kick or collapse?
  • Is the structure easy to twist or bend?
  • Compatible with standard quality padlocks?
  • Can the structure withstand weather conditions?

Insulation – Similar to different types of doors, oak doors can come with different insulation properties. Solid oak can provide more insulation than hollow oak doors. Poorly insulated doors can cause your bills to rise especially during summer and winter. Not all oak doors have good heat insulation, so it’s important to check.

  • Does it fit your entrance neatly?
  • Can its mass remain in heat and cold?
  • Does it come with a seal?

✓ LONGER DURABILITY – Oak doors need to withstand time and constant wear. Not all doors have the same life span, so it’s also important to consider life when choosing a door.

  • Can it last more than 30 years?
  • Can it withstand various weather conditions?
  • Has it been treated to be fire resistant?
  • Is it treated to be pest-resistant?

Your door is your choice

No matter what oak door design and structure you choose for your UK oak door, it is important to choose a door that is safe and can last for a long time and add value to your home. Oak doors can give you security, aesthetics, and investment value that can last for decades.


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