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Niira Radia led Nayati Healthcare – Ongoing healthcare mission and its expansion plans



In a country like India where the number of the population stands at billions, ensuring inclusive and quality services to every strata of the society is the need of the hour. Striving to achieve the same, Nayati Healthcare, ever since its establishment, has been carving a niche in healthcare delivery space through a robust infrastructure, incorporation of technology and a skilled workforce.

What started off as a small medical unit in the holy grounds of Badrinath to provide medical care to the pilgrims and locals of that region, has built a wide presence across North India today. The core mission of Niira Radia led healthcare is to make tertiary healthcare accessible, affordable and accountable for people of tier II and tier III cities of India – something that has long been neglected.

With the changing time and people getting more informed of technology, the healthcare chain has been taking necessary initiatives to live up to the expectation of the masses accordingly. Through a robust online system, patients are provided transparent and real-time information about the hospital services. They can even book appointments, generate the report, make payments and share their feedback online. To ensure that the patients are following the prescribed plan of care, Nayati Healthcare also sends out reminders through automated texts, emails and calls as well.

Leveraging the use of technology, the leading healthcare chain in North India also ensures efficient delivery of healthcare services. For instance, Nayati Medicity, Mathura has adopted a cloud-based digital intensive care unit to monitor critically ill patients, alert the staff in case of emergencies and ensure early intervention to improve the outcomes.

Additionally, not only does the Healthcare offers online services to the patients through mobile apps, but it also has an app specifically designed for the doctors as well. Through the app, doctors can put out clinical notes, put referrals for other doctors, audit the discharge summaries and make corrections, etc. Under the leadership of its chairperson Niira Radia, Nayati Healthcare has built an indelible presence in India’s healthcare industry.

However, it is planning to expand its services further in the coming years. In her recent conversation with Arpit Gupta and Mukul Kumar Mishra of Elets News Network, Niira Radia said, “We are focusing on extending healthcare facilities to Varanasi with a 675 beds facility – 500 beds are to be commissioned in FY 2022, Nagpur with a 400 beds facility – 250 beds to be commissioned in 2023, culminating our North India expansion with Amritsar in 2024.”

With the launch of the new super specialty hospital in Delhi and Gurugram, Nayati Healthcare is all set to create new standards in the healthcare dynamics of India.


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