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New World: A Fad or An MMO That’s Here to Stay?



New World: A Fad or An MMO That’s Here to Stay

Amazon Game Studios certainly struck gold with New World in comparison to their experience with Crucible, but will it experience a long-term or short-lived success?

Amazon founder, Jeff Bezos, recently took to social media to praise the success of its recently released MMO New World which is getting a lot of attention despite some of the major issues that players are currently having in the game. New World is Amazon Game Studios’ first MMO that has just been released to the public and so far has been an immediate success. At this very moment, New World has been breaking player count records all over the place. But at the same time, this has led to a lot of players also suffering–long queue times, full servers, the inflation of New World Coins, and New World items are among some of the things that players are now complaining about. Most of the new games that release these days often garner a lot of attention for the first few weeks, especially online games. But after a while, the trend dies out and the player count drops drastically. Is New World simply just a fad in the video gaming scene or will it become an MMO that’s here to say for the foreseeable future?

Looking Back At Crucible

Besides giving some compliments to the chef, aka Amazon Game Studios, Bezos also remarked a couple of harsh words for the previous games that were released by the game studio. Crucible was labeled as “failures and setbacks” and, when compared to New World, is the complete opposite of the reception that the MMO is getting now. Crucible was shut down not long after its launch due to having too few players. The game suffered a bit of an identity problem which failed to attract players, so it must’ve been sad for the developers of Crucible, but at the same time, it’s excellent news for the New World team who have toiled their hearts out in making the game completely fresh such as by adding lots of ways to earn New World Coins and New World items. Make no mistake, New World also suffers from some flaws, but it’s in a far healthier state now when talking about the number of players that are actively playing the MMO.

New World Servers Are Full

Perhaps the biggest indication of New World’s popularity is that it’s struggling to keep up with the high player counts that it’s been experiencing lately. During the first 24 hours of New World, there were over 700k players that rushed head straight into the game. Trying to jump online resulted in long queue times, with some players even reporting that they have to wait hundreds of hours or even weeks trying to get into a sever. Things have certainly calmed down a bit once the players have stopped trying to play the game at every hour of the day, but as for the folks that have a fully populated server as their home, the problem remains.

To measure just how full the servers are in New World, Amazon Game Studios had to stop character creation on those servers to prevent new players from entering them. This meant that characters that are already on the server long before it was full will still be able to log in and play, but for those that are planning to head on over there even if it’s already full, then they better find another server someplace else. According to Amazon Game Studios, the solution of blocking people from making new avatars in servers that are marked as “Full” is simply a temporary solution since there’s an assumption of more players spreading out to the other servers and the overall number of simultaneous users dropping after playing the game for a while.

Alongside this, the studio also dropped a server status page so that players can easily see how populated their server in New World is in just a glance. This will also tell them whether their server is up, down, or undergoing maintenance. Amazon has suggested to the new users that creating characters in the low population servers is the way to go if they want to play New World. They’ve also promised that a character transfer feature is coming to New World sooner rather than later, so players need not worry about having their character stuck in just one server.


Amazon certainly struck gold in New World, but only time and management will tell as to whether it’s here to stay or to go. Should Amazon be able to build up a rapport that’s similar to Microsoft’s “for the gamers” image, then they’ll be sure to create more games that will pique the public’s interest. Amazon is one of the largest companies in the world right now and they can afford to just throw money at whatever game that they’d like to create, but it’s no use if they won’t garner any long-term success. Creating more New World items and quests to get New World Coins can certainly lengthen the longevity of the game, but what truly matters is how Amazon Game Studios will continue to support the MMO. What do you think of New World? Have you played it? Let us know down below.

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