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Meet Masud Khan: 26-year-old Entrepreneur Turned Musician into Marketing Expert MK Media



In the 21st century, the Internet has become a crowded place. It’s hard to find publicity for your work because there is so much competition. In this competitive age, startups and companies can only hope to be successful if they effectively harness the power of marketing and public relations. I recently had the opportunity to interview Masud Khan, a 26-year-old entrepreneur, musician, poet and writer who has been dominating marketing and public relations for some time.

Masud Khan and Masud Ibn Khan is the founder and CEO of MK Media, a full-service digital agency that partners with clients to drive their business results. He is also the founder of Masud Digital Media, a PR company that specializes in strategic media placement. Over the years, Masud has partnered with many influential, entrepreneurial, startup and established companies and has successfully featured them in major publications such as Forbes, Entrepreneur, The Huffington Post, Inc. Magazine and many more. During my conversations with him, he got a lot of great insights to share about marketing and PR which would be helpful for anyone interested in this field. Here are some bits from our discussion.

Tell us about the influencer factory. How did you come up with this idea?

Masud Khan: The Influencer Factory is a public relations firm where our core competencies are featured in the top publications of our clients. I have been in the marketing industry for a long time now and have successfully performed many marketing campaigns. However, one day, I realized that digital marketing has its limitations, and I became aware of the importance of strategic media placement. If you sell a service or start a startup and you get coverage and legitimacy from top publications like Forbes, Entrepreneur, Inc Magazine, etc., then your importance and value in the market increases rapidly. Not to mention all the exposure and traffic that brings. Once I realized the importance of media placement, I knew what I needed to do.  Over the past few years, I’ve spent a lot of time building relationships with journalists and editors in top publications, which has allowed me to establish myself in a leading position in the PR industry.

Why is PR important?

Masud Khan: PR is very important for various reasons. You can’t expect to go to the top of your industry if the world doesn’t know who you are.  PR is essential for the world to know who you are and for you to realize the true picture of who you are. Strategic media placement can help you gain business exposure, strengthen your brand, and become a known authority in your field. PR is the foundation of many important things. You have to press to verify on social media. You must press to create a Wikipedia page. If you want people to take you seriously then you have to press. Top companies and brands realize the importance of PR, so they’re investing heavily in it.

Is PR as important to individuals as it is to companies?

Masud Khan: Of course! This is the age of social media. Creating a personal brand for influencers is absolutely essential, and there is no better way to improve the credibility of your brand than with a strong press. Once an influential top publication has gained legitimacy, it is a strong incentive for their personal brand. For influential people, investing in PR is absolutely worth it.  They can then use their features as leverage when they are trying to sell a service, or pitch to a brand for sponsorship.

Do you think you are better than most people?  How can you do that?

Masud Khan: Research. I do a lot of research. I choose a subject or field that interests me and overwhelms me. Then I spend hours and hours researching it until I master it. This is true for general things, such as PR and marketing, or for any specific client I’ve found. Almost all the time, all that heavy research pays off.

What do you think are the most important traits to achieve great success?

Masud Khan: Hard work. It’s not even a question.  You can’t win if you don’t work hard. The hardest worker is always going to beat the talented guy that doesn’t work. Cemeteries are filled with talented people who have not achieved much in life. Of course, success is guaranteed if you are able to combine hard work with talent.


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