Meet Angel: The Car Enthusiast behind the Kind of Rare Brand



Behind the Kind of Rare Brand

Tanveer Angel is a car enthusiast from Bangladesh who is now living in the USA. He has a passion for creating custom car models, and his addiction to collecting rare and antique stuff led him to create the “Kind of Rare” brand. His journey started in 2020 when he couldn’t find a replica model of his car and decided to make one for himself. Little did he know that this would lead to a successful business?

The Birth of “Kind of Rare”

Tanveer Angel’s love for cars started at a young age, and he always wanted to do something with them. He also enjoyed making things that he couldn’t find in stores. With his addiction to collecting rare and antique items, he came up with the idea for “Kind of Rare.” The name is a reflection of his brand’s unique and one-of-a-kind creations.

Custom Car Models

Tanveer Angel’s specialty is creating custom car models of real cars in a small form factor. He hand shapes the body kit, 3D prints the wheels, paints the models, and adds small details to make them as realistic as possible. When he made a replica model of his car and posted it on Facebook, he received over 400 inquiries in one day. This led him to realize that there was a huge market for custom car models in the car enthusiast community.

Coolest Car Key Ever Made

One of Tanveer Angel’s most popular projects is the “Coolest Car Key Ever Made.” This model can be used as a key for the car and also has a remote installed inside the model. The video of this project went viral on TikTok, with 1.8 million views, and he started receiving domestic and international clients from all over the world.


Tanveer Angel’s custom car models caught the attention of the participants of the SEMA Show, the biggest custom car show in the world. He created a few models for the show, and this helped to grow his brand even further.

Growing Social Media Presence

Tanveer Angel’s Instagram and TikTok accounts have been instrumental in growing his brand. His videos showcasing his custom car models and antique collections have gone viral, bringing him thousands of followers. One of his recent videos received 2 million views, which helped to further boost his social media presence.

Passion Pays Off

Tanveer Angel’s passion for cars and creating unique items has led to a successful business. He is now able to own his childhood dream cars, the 1993 Mazda RX7, the 2007 subaru impreza and the 1995 R33 Skyline, thanks to the support of his followers. The best feeling for him is seeing the joy his customers feel when they receive their custom car models.

Lessons Learned from Tanveer Angel’s Journey

Tanveer Angel’s journey with the “Kind of Rare” brand offers some valuable lessons for anyone looking to start their own business. One of the most important lessons is the power of passion and hard work. Tanveer Angel’s love for cars and creating unique items fueled his success, and his commitment to delivering high-quality products helped him build a loyal following.

In conclusion, Tanveer Angel’s journey with the “Kind of Rare” brand is a testament to the power of passion and hard work. His unique creations have caught the attention of the car enthusiast community, and his growing social media presence has helped to further his success. With his eye for detail and commitment to creating one-of-a-kind items, Tanveer Angel is definitely a rising star in the custom car model industry.


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