LASIK Surgery: Good Candidates, Possible Complications, and Success Rate



Wearing contact lenses and glasses can be tiresome, especially if you need them for clear vision. If you have vision problems like myopia, hyperopia, and astigmatism, you may have thought about having LASIK surgery. Like any other surgery, it is best to consider various factors before undergoing the procedure. If you have been considering LASIK Jenkintown, here are essential things to know.

Who is a good candidate for LASIK surgery?

Generally, the best candidates for laser eye surgery are those with a moderate degree of refractive error and no unusual vision problems. Before proceeding with the procedure, your surgeon will ask detailed questions about your eye and evaluate your eyes. This ensures you don’t have any conditions that might result in complications or poor surgical outcomes.

For example, your surgeon may caution against surgery if you have an eye problem that causes progressive deterioration of your vision and thinning of your cornea, such as keratoconus. Even if you don’t have this disease, but it runs in your family, be cautious about elective eye surgery. Other eye problems or disorders that compromise your eligibility for LASIK surgery include:

  • Eye injuries
  • Inflammation, including keratitis or uveitis
  • ·Dry eyes. Surgery may worsen the condition.
  • Large pupils. If your pupils are large in dim light, LASIK surgery may not be appropriate since it may cause debilitating symptoms like halos, ghost images, glare, and starbursts.
  • Cataracts
  • Glaucoma. LASIK surgery can raise eye pressure, worsening glaucoma.

Possible side effects and complications

Complications that result in vision loss are rare, but it is common for side effects like dry eyes and temporary visual disturbances to occur. Fortunately, these often resolve after a few weeks or months; a few consider these side effects a long-term problem.

  • Dry eyes. Your eyes may feel unusually dry for the first six months after surgery since the procedure causes a temporary decrease in tear production. Dry eye symptoms may persist even after healing; eye drops may help. But in case of severely dry eyes, you could opt for another procedure to get special plugs put in your tear ducts; these prevent tears from draining away from your eyes’ surface.
  • Under Corrections. The laser may remove little tissue from your eyes, meaning you won’t get the clearer vision you hoped for. Under Corrections are common in short-sighted individuals and may need refractive surgery to remove the tissue within a year.
  • Over Corrections. The laser could also remove too much tissue from your eyes. This is usually more difficult to fix than under corrections.
  • Glare, halos, or double vision. You may have trouble seeing at night for a few days or weeks after surgery. Although this is usually short-lived, it may become a chronic problem.

How effective is LASIK surgery?

Many people who undergo LASIK surgery experience good to excellent vision in most situations and for many years. You can swim, play sports, or even see the clock first thing in the morning without wearing your glasses. However, as you grow older or in low-light conditions, you may need to wear glasses.

If you have vision problems, consult your specialist at Suburban Eye Associates to know how you can benefit from LASIK surgery.


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