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All You Need To Know About Compression Fractures



A compression fracture occurs when a bone breaks due to the force of gravity. This type of fracture occurs more often in women than men. The reason women suffer these fractures more than men is because a condition called osteoporosis, which is more common in women. Osteporosis weakens bones, making them susceptible to breaking due to minor impacts. In most cases, women will get this fracture in their spine, which is the most common location for compression fractures. One of the most common causes of compression fractures is falling, but they can also be caused by activities that stress your bones, such as heavy lifting or carrying a heavy object. If you have suffered a compression fracture, you should visit a specialist in treating a compression fracture in Shrewsbury.

Causes ​of a Compression Fracture

People that have compression fractures have an underlying condition called osteoporosis. Osteoporosis is the loss of bone density, making your bones weak. Women are more likely to suffer from osteoporosis because they are generally smaller than men, so their body does not need as much bone for support, and osteoporosis is linked to decreased estrogen levels. Other causes of compression fractures include:

  • Overexertion (such as heavy lifting or carrying a heavy object)
  • Slipping and falling
  • Tumors that put pressure on the bones
  • Osteonecrosis, or when blood flow to a bone is blocked which causes the bone tissue to die and the bone to collapse in on itself due to gravity.

Symptoms of a Compression Fracture

Several symptoms can indicate you have suffered a compression fracture. The most common sign of this injury is localized pain, which some sufferers describe as feeling like someone has kicked them in the spine or hit them with a bat. Pain is also often felt when people try to move around, especially if they suffer from a compression fracture of the spine. If you are suffering from any of these symptoms, you should visit your doctor for an examination.

If you suspect that someone has suffered a compression fracture, you should make sure they get medical attention immediately. You can also reduce pain by making them as comfortable as possible and applying ice to the injury site. Resting and icing the injury will reduce the victim’s pain and prevent additional damage.

Compression Fracture Treatment

As with other fractures, compression fractures require proper treatment to ensure they heal properly and don’t cause further injury. In most cases, doctors will prescribe strong medication that helps ease pain and boost your immune system so you can recover more quickly.

Massage and acupuncture are also commonly used to speed up the compression fracture healing process. Medical professionals may also recommend physiotherapy or physical therapy to help strengthen and support your bones after a fracture, so you don’t suffer another break in the same area. When those injuries heal, they build stronger bone that is less susceptible to damage in the future.

In summary, a compression fracture is a break in the bone that is usually caused by osteoporosis or excess stress on the body. Women are more likely to suffer from compression fractures because of their size and decreased estrogen levels. The symptoms associated with a compression fracture include localized pain, which you can ease by reducing activity and applying ice. After a compression fracture occurs, your doctor will prescribe medication that boosts your immune system and helps alleviate pain, as well as physical therapy to help you recover.


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