Is Your Nightly Routine Keeping You Awake? Here’s What to Do Instead



Poor sleep quality is linked to a lot of negative health outcomes. From an increased risk of obesity to difficulty learning and focusing, it’s clear that sleep is critical for health. However, our modern habits can work against our innate need for a restful night’s sleep. Let’s unravel some common habits that may be robbing you of sleep-filled nights and explore healthier alternatives to enhance your slumber.

The Late-Night Scroll

It’s a familiar scene: the clock strikes midnight, and there you are, in bed, doom scrolling through social media or catching up on the latest series. While it might seem harmless, the blue light emitted by screens can significantly disrupt your body’s natural sleep-wake cycle. This light tricks your brain into thinking it’s still daytime, reducing the production of melatonin, the hormone responsible for sleep.

Instead, consider implementing a digital curfew an hour before bed. Swap out your phone or tablet for a book or a magazine. If reading isn’t your thing, try listening to a podcast or an audiobook. These activities can be equally engaging without the detrimental effects on your sleep cycle. Creating a bedtime routine devoid of screens not only helps your mind wind down but also signals to your body that it’s time to rest.

Caffeine After Dark Can Be a Stimulating Mistake

A late afternoon or evening cup of coffee might seem necessary to power through the rest of the day, but caffeine’s stimulating effects can linger in your system far longer than you might expect. While you may not realize it, caffeine late in the day can impact your sleep quality.

If you find yourself reaching for a caffeinated beverage in the latter part of the day, consider switching to decaffeinated options or herbal teas. Chamomile tea is one great choice renowned for its calming properties and can be a soothing part of your pre-bedtime ritual. Remember, understanding how to rest well involves recognizing the impact of what you consume on your sleep quality. Opt for warm, comforting drinks that ease you into a state of relaxation, setting the stage for a rejuvenating sleep.

Natural Sleep Aids are the Untapped Potential for a Restful Night

Often, the solution to sleepless nights lies not in pharmaceuticals but in the natural world. A growing body of research supports the use of certain natural supplements to promote sleep. Magnesium, for instance, can help you sleep better at night. Other people turn to melatonin and even essential oils to rest more calmly. 

Consider incorporating magnesium into your evening routine through diet or supplements. Eat more almonds, spinach, and pumpkin seeds, for example, as a delicious way to prepare your body for sleep. Beyond magnesium, other natural aids like valerian root and lavender have been praised for their sleep-promoting properties. 

However, the star of the show might just be a CBN tincture. CBN is gaining popularity for its potential to improve sleep quality. Unlike its more famous counterpart, THC, CBN does not produce psychoactive effects, making it a compelling choice for those who need a natural sleep aid. As with any supplement, it’s crucial to consult with a healthcare provider before starting, ensuring it’s a safe choice for your individual health needs.

Neglecting Your Sleep Environment: The Foundation of Good Sleep

Did you know your bedroom can make or break your sleep? It easily determines how well you sleep. Factors like temperature, noise, and light can all affect your going and staying asleep. A room that’s too hot, too bright, or too loud is not conducive to good sleep.

Invest time in creating a sleep sanctuary. This means keeping your bedroom at a comfortable temperature (around 65°F or 18°C is often recommended), using blackout curtains to keep it dark, and considering white noise machines or earplugs to block out disruptive sounds. It’s also beneficial to reserve your bed for sleep and intimacy only, avoiding work or other stimulating activities while in bed. 

Understanding the habits that disrupt your sleep is the first step toward reclaiming your nights and transforming them into a wellspring of rejuvenation. By embracing healthier alternatives — from creating a tech-free bedtime routine to incorporating natural sleep aids like magnesium and tinctures, you can pave the way for more restful, restorative sleep.

Remember, the journey to better sleep is personal and may require some experimentation to find what works best for you. Embrace the process and be patient with yourself. The rewards of a good night’s sleep extend far beyond the night, fueling your days with energy, focus, and vitality. So, here’s to sweet dreams and a brighter tomorrow.


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