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Since February 24 the war in Ukraine has broken out and many civilians have lost their lives. The majority of the world has condemned Russia and many people like Hilary Clinton compares Vladimir Putin with Adolf Hitler but how it all turned into chaos.

After the failed coup and dissolution of the Communist Party, the Soviet Union gradually disintegrated. In the Belovezh Accords Pact, three countries agreed to recognize each other’s sovereignty (Russia, Belarus, and Ukraine). The dissolution of the Soviet Union meant that the Warsaw Pact also went into dissolution. The pact was an opponent of NATO. The pact was also to ensure that the communist party could hold power. Reforms in Czechoslovakia triggered, among other things, an invasion(1968) of the country by some Warsaw members, which helped to provoke anger among other members, such as Albania, who withdrew from the pact.

Another example is the communist brutality from Moscow that cracked down hard on protesters in Hungary (1956). Americans did not complain about that brutality as they were in the process of decolonizing Egypt and demonstrated their support for the Arab hero Gamal Abdel Nasser (1918-1970) regarding his nationalization of the country from the British and French. Americans hoped that they could strengthen their influence through the Arab hero. They had also helped him to power through a coup …

After the dissolution of the Soviet Union, Boris Jelson went to the United States in 1992 and shook hands with Bill Clinton. The Russians wanted to cooperate with Americans. The Americans could choose to give loans and support to Russia and the Eastern European countries (the Marshall Plan) and assert their imperialism through economic dependence but this might not have been a good idea due to the high level of corruption. The Americans did not trust the Russians either. For example, the Turkish president was assassinated in an American Coup when he applied for extra financial support from the Soviet Union.

While the Russians were hoping for cooperation and wanted to be part of the EU, the Americans considered them a possible enemy. To confirm this statement, let’s  look at the

 Wolfowitz Doctrine:

We continue to recognize that collectively the conventional forces of the states formerly comprising the Soviet Union retain the most military potential in all of Eurasia; and we do not dismiss the risks to stability in Europe from a nationalist backlash in Russia or efforts to reincorporate into Russia the newly independent republics of Ukraine, Belarus, and possibly others … We must, however, be mindful that democratic change in Russia is not irreversible, and that despite its current travails, Russia will remain the strongest military power in Eurasia and the only power in the world with the capability of destroying the United States. ”

US Secretary of State James Backer (1930-) confirms in the 1990 meeting with Mikhail Sergeyevich Gorbachev (1985-1991) that the United States will never move east ”Not one inch eastward” and NATO soldiers will never be positioned east. They will only be in Germany and everything else will be unacceptable. After the United States promised the Soviet Union, Gorbachev gave the green light for the Berlin Wall to be torn down.

In 1996, Americans broke their promise and began expanding NATO to the east. It happened under US President Bil Clinton (1993-2001). in 1998, the American newspaper New York Times warned of the expansion to the east. Boris Jelson says how can we Russians trust you anymore. This was not the deal. In 1999, NATO made a decision and bombed Yugoslavia. In 2007, Putin said in Monich that it was completely unacceptable for NATO to place troops in the east. What’s the point? Where did your guarantee go? We have only a few soldiers left in Moldova and have pulled all our soldiers out. NATO should not act like unipolar and bomb countries. The decision must be with the UN and NATO must respect it.

There is no doubt that Russia’s aggression against Ukraine is unacceptable and is a violation of international rules. Unfortunately, Russia is probably not the only country that breaks international rules, but the Americans did the same in the Cuba crisis.

Ukraine war is the beginning of a new world order….


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