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How to Extend Your Battery Life



Extend Your Battery Life

Almost all of our smartphones are now equipped with a battery Lithium: they have the main advantage of not being affected by the memory effect problems that we knew before, but not life as important. But that doesn’t mean you don’t have to take care of your battery: here are a few tips that will help you gain some life.

Recharge regularly

It is not because your battery has no more memory effect that it should not be fully charged from time to time. Li-Po batteries in particular do not respond well at low voltage, so it is better to always ensure that it is recharged and to avoid reaching 0% as much as possible. You may have already noticed that your smartphone behaves strangely when your battery is dangerously low, especially with the camera.

Do not charge a full battery

If possible, do not leave your battery on the charger when its charge cycle is complete. That means: stop on the phone which charges overnight! In view of all the batteries that overheated and exploded last year, are you sure you want to keep this time bomb close to your head? Besides, don’t keep your smartphone near you when you sleep!

Think about charge cycles

Not charging your smartphone or tablet overnight is a good start already, but remember that battery life also depends on charge cycles. Numerous studies show that the more you charge your smartphone while it is completely flat, the less time it will live (fewer charge cycles, therefore). The ideal would be to charge it very regularly, but in practice, it is not feasible (nor pleasant): therefore remember to recharge it as soon as it goes below the 30% mark. Large manufacturers of mobile devices and laptops such as Apple for example advise to occasionally discharge the device around 50% of the battery level but to avoid discharging it completely. The same goes for all Lithium batteries.

Turn off your device

If you really want to maximize the life of your battery, also remember to completely turn off your device from time to time, especially when you charge it. Not only does this accelerate the charging time, but it also allows it to heat less: we avoid losing unnecessary energy.

Keep a cool head

Smartphones have thermal switches to prevent overheating, but you don’t lose anything by being too careful. Avoid overcharging, as you were told a little earlier, but try not to charge your smartphone or tablet in a hot place, such as on the dashboard of your car for example. Do not add fuel to the fire: you avoid leaving your smartphone in the sun, on a host computer, or in the bathroom. Also, remember not to let dust get on your smartphone!

Don’t wait until your battery is completely empty to recharge it

This advice applies to all owners of smartphones equipped with lithium-ion batteries, which equip all recent devices. To preserve your smartphone battery, recharge it before it drops below the 10% threshold. Its lifespan decreases each time it is fully discharged. Note also that lithium-ion batteries have a specified number of recharge cycles. To find out if you’re using a lithium-ion or nickel battery, check your smartphone’s manual or take a look at the back of the battery.

Do not expose your battery to extreme temperatures

Smartphone batteries hate extreme temperatures above all. Do not expose your smartphone to the sun, protect it from the polar cold, do not leave it lying around in a car in the middle of summer, and avoid carrying it in your pants pocket. During a recharge, if your phone heats up abnormally, check your charger.



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