How to Design a Logo Step by Step



When you’re starting out, it can be difficult to decide what exactly you want your logo to look like. You might have an idea in your head of how you want it to look, but you may not know how to get there. It’s easy to feel overwhelmed by the process of creating a logo— there are so many decisions that need to be made! However, with these simple instructions for designing a logo step-by-step, we’ll help make the process easier for you.

1. Identify Your Audience

As a designer, you need to understand who your audience is. If you don’t know who your audience is, how can you design for them?


  • Who are they? (age range, gender, geography)
  • How many of them are there? (estimate if necessary)
  • What do they use this logo for?

Make sure that an image or icon can be easily recognized by all members of the target audience as well as potential users from different cultures and groups.

2. Sketch Your Ideas

Let your imagination run wild. You may not know exactly what the logo will look like, but that’s okay. This is a place to get your ideas down so you can begin to see what works and what doesn’t.

To do this, we recommend keeping a sketchbook on hand at all times. You may have heard of the idea of making things with paper before making them with code or clay; this is where that comes from! As you will see later on in this guide, once you’ve made something with paper it’s much easier to scale up and make it digital than it would be if you were starting from scratch using pixels.

For now though: grab some paper and start drawing! Don’t worry about how well they look—make lots of them (even if they’re ugly!) Your goal here is simply to get ideas down onto paper as quickly as possible so that later on we can pick out which ones are worth exploring further.

3. Use Technology To Create Your Logo

Technological advances have made it easier to create a logo than ever before. You can use a simple website like Designill to create a logo.

There are also other options available if you want to get even more creative with your designs:

  • Logo design templates – these allow you to start from scratch without having any knowledge of graphic design or computer software
  • Logo generators – these give you thousands of options that are already pre-designed and ready to download from their website
  • Logo makers – these allow users to customize existing images through their own personal preferences and creativity or else you can take help from logo designers.

4. Keep It Simple

It is common for the first concept to be too complex. Sometimes, it’s hard to see how you can simplify a design without losing its essence.

However, if you look at your first draft and wonder why it isn’t working, chances are that simplifying will make it more effective.

5. Be Unique

It’s important to design your logo so that it stands out from the rest of its kind. If your logo is too similar to another company’s, you risk confusing people and losing clients.

Here are some tips on how you can make sure yours is unique:

  • Use different colors than other companies use in their logos, or else choose colors with a strong meaning associated with them
  • Make sure the letters in your name don’t look like they were created by someone who doesn’t know how to type properly (for example, double-check that there aren’t any extra spaces after words when using all caps)

6. Think About How it Looks Small

There are a few things you can do to make sure that your logo looks good when it’s small. First, make sure it is legible and easy to read. If you have a lot of text, consider incorporating an icon or symbol (like a crown) so that people can still recognize what your company is about even if they only see the smallest version of your logo. You also want to ensure that when someone sees your logo on social media or elsewhere online, they don’t have any trouble telling what it represents.

Another important thing to keep in mind is that many people will see your logo on different platforms including mobile phones and tablets as well as traditional computer monitors and televisions so make sure it has enough contrast with the background color behind it so that it doesn’t blend in with everything else around it!

7. Make Sure It Works On White and Dark Backgrounds

  • Make sure your logo works on white and dark backgrounds.
  • Make sure your logo works in black and white.
  • Make sure your logo works on a variety of paper colors (like blue, pink, red, and green).
  • Make sure your logo works in different sizes (both small and large).

8. Check If Your Logo Fits Into Current Trends

In the next step, we checked if your logo fits with the current trends. Now it’s time to take one final look at your design and see if it meets all of our criteria.

If you’re satisfied with how everything looks, then congratulate yourself! You’ve done an amazing job—but there’s still a lot more work ahead of you.

If not, don’t panic; we’ve got some tips for how to fix those problems and make sure that no one notices anything but how awesome your new logo is!

9. Test it On Multiple Devices and Types of Paper

The next step of your logo design process should be to test it on multiple devices and paper types. Make sure that your new logo looks just as good on a phone, tablet, or desktop computer as it does on a piece of paper!

10. Create a Catchphrase or Slogan For Your Branding

While your logo is the most important part of your branding, it’s not the only thing. You also need a catchphrase or slogan that conveys what your brand stands for and makes people want to buy from you.

Here are some guidelines for creating catchy slogans:

  • Keep it short and memorable. Ideally, you’ll want something that can be said in just one or two words (like Nike’s “Just Do It”). Try to avoid long descriptions with lots of additional information; it’ll just make things confusing.
  • Make sure it’s easy to remember. One way to do this is by including rhyming words at the end of each line (“Hershey’s Chocolate” or “Google Search Engine”). Another way is by using an easily-pronounced word as the last word in each line (“The World’s Best Branding Agency,”) or using alliteration across multiple lines (“We Create Cool Brands”).
  • Make sure there’s the meaning behind your slogan before choosing one! If there isn’t, then they’re probably won’t be much interest from customers either; they’ll probably never even hear about it because nobody will tell them about it themselves!

11. Pick the Perfect Colors for Your Logo

  • Color choices are important. Your logo design should be consistent with your brand.
  • The colors you pick should be appropriate for your target audience and industry as well.
  • Finally, the colors you choose should also work well in whatever medium you’re using to display your logo (printed materials, websites, apps).

12. Get Feedback From Others Before Making a Final Decision on Your Logo Design

Designing a logo is really a creative process. You don’t want to just have one person’s opinion on what your logo should be, because they may not always be right. As you go through the design process, you’ll find yourself getting attached to certain ideas and concepts—but it’s important to remember that there are other people out there who might not see things the same way as you do.

When choosing which type of feedback is best for you, consider those closest to your business: employees or partners who work closely with customers every day; members of the team responsible for marketing or branding efforts; even friends who have their finger on the pulse of trends within their industry. But also think outside this inner circle when seeking opinions on how others perceive your brand: get feedback from people who aren’t family or friends (you know what they’re going say), and ask someone else apart from close acquaintances whether they like it too!

Final words

The process of designing a logo can be intimidating and confusing for many people. However, if you follow these steps and make sure to get feedback from others on what they think about your design, then you’re bound to create an excellent brand identity that will help you stand out from your competition.


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