How To Deal With Workplace Injuries



Accidents happen all the time. Even if all preventive measures are in place and rigorous training has been rolled out, a team member can still get injured in the workplace. This can affect productivity, team member morale, and the company’s reputation. 

In 2021, about 2.6 per 100 workers suffered non-fatal work injuries in the United States. However, it’s important to note that workplace injuries are more common in some industries than others. Some of the most hazardous sectors are the following:

  • Construction
  • Manufacturing
  • Healthcare
  • Mining
  • Transportation
  • Agriculture
  • Oil and Gas

If you belong in the construction industry and suffered an injury, seeking the help of a construction accident attorney would be your best course of action to receive proper compensation. 

What Is A Workers’ Compensation Claim?

A workers’ compensation claim is the legal action an employee may take after suffering from an injury at the workplace. This is per the workers’ compensation laws created to protect employees and provide them with benefits and medical treatment commensurate to the injuries they sustained. 

Here are the steps you need to take after suffering from a workplace injury:

  • Seek Medical Attention

Even if you think your injuries are minor, you must seek medical attention immediately. Some injuries don’t manifest immediately, and some can have critical consequences. For example, you hit your head hard but didn’t bleed. You may suffer from internal bleeding with symptoms that won’t be instantly visible to the naked eye. Some symptoms can occur hours or even days later.  

On the other hand, if your injuries are severe, proceed to the emergency room right away. Delaying treatment may lead to complications and make your injuries worse. 

  • Report The Injury To Your Employer

Following the specific process outlined by your company, report your injury to prevent jeopardizing your chances of receiving proper compensation. You must notify your immediate supervisor within 24 hours after it happens. If you can’t do this, seek your co-workers’ help to report it on your behalf. 

Provide as much information as possible, as this will help your employer determine the cause of the injury to prevent similar cases from happening in the future.

Moreover, fill out all the necessary paperwork accurately and promptly. This will help you seamlessly file your claim. 

  • Gather All Relevant Information

As previously stated, provide as much information as you can. This includes the incident’s date, time, location, witnesses’ names, and a description of what happened. Having photos of the incident would be much better, as these can serve as further evidence and strengthen your claim.    

Keep track of all your medical records, including diagnostic tests, prescriptions, and receipts of medical expenses. These are all important in filing your claim. Finally, remember to secure your copy of the incident report.

  • File A Workers’ Compensation Claim

You need to file a claim with your employer and their insurance provider to get the appropriate workers’ compensation benefits you’re entitled to. This procedure can be daunting for somebody who’s just suffered an injury. So, it’s best to seek the help of an attorney adept at handling similar cases in your state so you obtain the compensation you deserve. 

  • Follow Your Doctor’s Orders

If you want to get back on your feet fast, follow what your doctor prescribes. Drink your medications, attend follow-up appointments, participate in physical rehabilitation if needed, and follow any activity restrictions. 

If you don’t follow your doctor’s orders, it might worsen your injuries and prolong your recovery.  Also, it may raise doubts about your claim. Insurance companies right now are rigid with this. Some even stalk claimants’ social media accounts to see what they’re up to.   

  • Consider Legal Action

If your employer was negligent, which caused the accident, you may pursue legal action with the help of a personal injury lawyer. And if your employer doesn’t have workers’ insurance, to begin with, then it’s something that can be taken up to court. 

Another common scenario is employers retaliating or discriminating because an employee filed a claim. Some employers demote an employee, terminate them, give them a less favorable schedule, or reduce their pay. Suppose any of this happens to you, you may also pursue legal action to address this matter because this is illegal, at least as stated in the California Labor Code Section 132a. It’s essential to consult with somebody knowledgeable about this so you’re rightfully guided. 

  • Take Steps To Prevent Future Injuries

You don’t want a similar incident happening to you or your co-workers in the future. That’s why you should take steps to address this. It can be by wearing the appropriate PPE, reporting any safety hazards to your employer, or attending necessary training to equip yourself with proper knowledge. 

Following these steps will strengthen your chances of obtaining the compensation you deserve.


Consider this article as a guide on what to do after suffering a workplace injury so you’ll know the right steps to take to receive proper assistance and compensation, helping you continue with your life and ensuring you’ll have a secure future ahead of you. This way, you can recover better without worrying too much about your finances and family.


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