How Long Does It Take To Get Braces?



Did you know that about four million people in the United States have braces? Braces are exceptionally common in both adults and children, but how long does it take to get braces? If you’re getting braces, you may have some anxiety surrounding the process, but there’s nothing to worry about.

The process of getting braces is relatively quick, depending on several factors. Read on for a quick guide on the preparation process, as well as how long it takes to get braces put on.

Diagnosis for Getting Braces

The first step is to visit an orthodontist and decide if you need Metal Braces Coral Springs FL. Braces are worn for several reasons, with the most often reason being teeth growing out of line.

When teeth grow incorrectly, they can cause other teeth to shift or grow poorly. As a result, your teeth can become crooked, unsightly, or sore. In severe cases, crooked teeth can cause severe pain.

Due to this, braces are more common for youths, as this is when adult teeth begin growing. However, it’s normal for adults to get braces to solve long-standing issues with their teeth.

There are also different types of braces that will affect the process. Your dentist will help you decide if you need ceramic, metal, lingual, or self-ligating braces. In minor cases, you may be prescribed clear aligners, which are a quick and simple process.


An important step post-diagnosis is to prepare for the recovery. You won’t need to recover in the same way as post-surgery, but there are a few things you can do to make the process easier.

The dominant change in your life will be needing to change what you eat. Many foods aren’t compatible with braces.

Your teeth also may be sore over the next few days as the braces begin to move them into place. Cold foods and liquids will help alleviate such symptoms. Do your best to stock up on easy-to-eat foods and everything necessary to make your recovery quick and painless.

Process of Getting Braces

The process of getting braces is the same regardless of your orthodontist. Overall, this process doesn’t take more than an hour or two and is an outpatient procedure. You won’t need to be put to sleep or numbed, as there’s no surgery taking place.

Are you unsure of which orthodontist you’d like to visit? Find excellent local orthodontists located here to begin your search for a skilled dentist.


The first step in getting braces is retraction. Retraction is the gadget that will hold open your lips and keep your teeth visible. The tool helps your dentist have a clearer path to your teeth and keeps your lips from getting in the way.

The retractor isn’t painful. It only extends large enough to expose your teeth and gums. You won’t need to worry about your skin tearing or becoming irritated.

Polish and Conditioner

The second step is to polish and condition your teeth.

Your dentist will polish your enamel with a special substance. The process will clean your teeth and expose the enamel. Polishing isn’t only for cleaning, as it also helps the adhesive stick to your teeth.

Afterward, your dentist will leave your teeth to air dry, which won’t take more than a minute or two. Once they’re dry, your teeth receive a conditioning treatment. The conditioner goes on the surface of your teeth.

Conditioner stays on your teeth for about 30-60 seconds. Once it’s set long enough, the dentist or their assistant will wipe it away. Like the polishing, this conditioner helps the braces adhere to your teeth.

Adhesive Application

With your teeth polished and conditioner, your dentist will begin to apply the adhesive. You may also hear the term “primer” to refer to this adhesive, but both words mean the same material.

The adhesive is perfectly safe to ingest. However, it doesn’t taste pleasant, often having a bitter or chemical taste. If some gets on your tongue, don’t worry about your health.

The adhesive goes over your teeth that the brackets will sit on. For thorough braces, a bracket may be on every tooth. Such a setup is more common with metal braces than most other types.

Cement adhesive is then applied to the back of the braces. The extra adhesive will help ensure they stay adhered to your teeth properly.

Braces and Spacers

With the adhesive in place, your dentist will begin to apply your braces. The application process is the longest section of the process of getting braces.

For different types of braces, this process may take slightly longer. However, even at its most extreme, the process shouldn’t take more than an hour. Complications or slight mistakes may make the process take longer.

The orthodontist will affix the braces to your teeth and get rid of any extra cement. The rest is dried with a special flashlight that causes a harmless reaction in the adhesive chemical. When they’re done, the retractor is removed from your mouth.

After Care

The after care and “recovery” process is minimal. If you require spacers for your teeth, this is an extra process that’s only slightly related to your braces. Your orthodontist may begin this process immediately afterward, depending on your treatment plan.

Otherwise, do your best to avoid foods that would damage your braces. If you feel the adhesive fail, you should speak to your orthodontist to schedule a follow-up. Your dentist may also have you come in for regular adjustments to ensure your braces are working properly.

How Long Does It Take to Get Braces?

How long does it take to get braces? The process of getting braces varies depending on the types of braces, the orthodontist, and how much preparation is needed. Speak to your orthodontist about choosing braces and what treatment plan best suits you.

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