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How Hemp Tea Can Help Reduce Sleep Issues



Hemp has been around for about 5000 years and used as a medicine in many cultures,
especially in Asia. It was used in traditional Chinese medicine to solve a host of ailments.
Its health potential has been rediscovered of late by medical professionals. Hemp, which
was maligned, due to misconception has become legal and freely accessible to people.
Hemp tea today is available in cafes and other specialty shops as well. It is becoming
popular among young and old alike for its health benefits. It is also becoming a popular
bedtime drink as it can help you sleep well.

Little Insights

Hemp has become popular in recent times. It is a versatile plant that is not only used as
a food but is also used as a building or clothing material. It provides nutrition through
hemp tea, used as clothing and as a building material in the form of hemp concrete.
Every part of the plant is used for some purpose. The stalks of the plant are used for
making clothing and rope as it made of strong fiber. The seeds of the plant are high in
protein and the flowers are a great source of bioactive ingredients like cannabinoids. So
if you are buying tea ensure that you buy hemp tea made of buds and flowers rather
than stalks.

Sleep Issues – A Common Problem

Sleep is as essential as nutrition and exercise for the overall physical and mental health
of a person. Yet many people are unable to get their sleep quota. As per a National Sleep
Foundation study, about 50 to 70 million adults in the US have some form of sleep
disorders. Of them, about 40% of them suffer from insomnia and some have chronic
insomnia. With so many people having sleep disorders there is a greater need to find a
cure for sleep issues and one such is hemp tea. It is considered as an effective treatment
and has no side effects. It acts as a sleep aid and also helps in restoring the natural sleep
cycle which has gone out of sync.If non of the given remedies work for you, then something like medical marijuana might be of help. We highly suggest you have a look at providers of MMJ cards in Arizona for more professional help.

Understanding CBD

There are many compounds present in hemp tea of which the cannabinoids have been
found to have a lot of health benefits. Cannabinoids are used as a medicine for a broad
range of symptoms including sleep disorders. Cannabidiol or CBD is a cannabinoid and
is available in supplement forms like Lazarus Naturals CBD oil tincture or  hemp tea. Moreover, CBD is legalized in 50 states in the US and one can purchase and use CBD.

How CBD Helps

Hemp tea contains CBD in small, safe and beneficial amounts. More than CBD, the tea
actually has the precursor compound called the Cannabidiolic acid (CBDA) when it is
freshly harvested. Experts at say that this CBDA gets converted into CBD
when the harvested flowers, buds or leaves are dried or are exposed to heat. This
process is called decarboxylation. When the tea is brewed, there is enough heat to
convert the CBDA to CBD and that will aid in providing all the health benefits. Moreover,
even CBDA is also known to have many therapeutic properties including the calming
effect which induces sleep.

CBD for Sleep Issues

CBD or cannabidiol is a chemical compound that is found in a cannabis plant. There are
many species of cannabis that contain CBD. For many centuries, CBD has been used as a
sleep aid and also to relieve anxiety and other mood disorders. Scientists have been able
to identify up to 80 cannabinoids that can provide relief to symptoms. Two of the
cannabinoids that are recognized widely for their medicinal properties are THC and
CBD. The THC is the compound that gives the ‘high’ and CBD is the compound that
provides the calming and sleep-inducing effects.

A study conducted by a group of Colorado researchers found out about the benefits of
CBD for anxiety and sleep issues. In the study, people treated with CBD for anxiety or
poor sleep showed reduced anxiety levels and improvement in sleeping time. That is
due to the interaction of the cannabis compound with receptors throughout the body
including the brain. Among these receptors, one of them regulates the sleep-wake cycle
and CBD interacts with it and affects sleep patterns positively.

How does CBD Work to Induce Sleep

Scientists have conducted research on how the CBD produces the calming effect. The
CBD interacts with the receptors and other chemicals in the brain. These interactions
can change the activities of the neurotransmitter and other cells throughout the brain.
These can affect the sleep-wake cycle. Additionally, the body also produces
cannabinoids due to a process called the endocannabinoid system. This regulates the
cognitive functions and other physiological processes. When this interacts with the CBD
in hemp tea, it aids in relieving symptoms for a wide range of neurological disorders. It
also acts as an analgesic.

Time of Consumption is Important

If you are using hemp tea as a sleep aid then timing and the strength of the tea are
important. Sometimes it may take an hour to take effect while at other times it may take
more than 2 hours. The effect may last longer and depends on the way the body
processes the hemp tea. The effect could be for 8 hours or so. While the body physiology
differs from person to person, it is best to take hemp tea an hour before bedtime. That
way you get the right effects at the right time and help you stay asleep the whole night.

Hemp tea has a lot of health benefits apart from helping you sleep. Hence, it can solve
more than one purpose at a time when consumed. However, if you are already on
medications for health issues, it is best to talk to your doctor before consuming it. Hemp
must be taken only in restricted quantities. Therefore it is pertinent to take it only as
per the recommendation and not otherwise. Since taking hemp in large quantities is not
advised, it is recommended not to drink hemp tea more than once in a day.


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