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How do you unclog a sink with standing water?



Seeing warning signs of slow draining of sinks in your  bathroom? Do you have unpleasant odors when you enter the bathroom? If you don’t already know, all of these conditions can lead to a unique and potentially catastrophic plumbing problem – a clogged sewer. So what can you do to clean your bathroom sink? First of all, you may need to call a plumber, but before you do, here are some tips you can try. Sometimes a clogged bathroom sink requires more than the old school plunger or a dose of Drano. In fact, we’re going to teach you ways to unclog your drain.

First, you need the following tools.

  • Baking powder & white vinegar
  • Soda crystals
  • Sink / bucket
  • Sink drain cleaner
  • Old dishcloth
  • Gloves

Once you’ve got all of this together, follow the sewage wiring company in Riyadh

Bathroom sinks can be tricky as hair, soap scum, toothpaste and other grooming chemicals can form a nearly impenetrable clog. But before you call out a plumber, there are a number of alternative methods of unclogging that are extremely easy and, best of all, inexpensive. If you need our services my site provides house cleaning company in Riyadh

Although we are focusing on bathroom sinks, many of these drain unclogging techniques can be applied to other drains as well.

The following methods are tried-and-true and none of them contain abrasive, poisonous chemicals:

1. Baking Soda and Vinegar

This is an old method of unclogging drains that has proven to be very effective in bathroom sinks. Simply mix 1/3 cup of baking soda with 1/3 cup of vinegar in a measuring cup.

This mixture will start to fizz immediately and should be promptly poured down the drain. The fizzing action is what helps remove the hair and grime so effectively. Let it sit for about an hour, then flush it out with hot water.

2. Baking Soda and Salt

Another effective combination is baking soda and salt. Mix 1/2 cup of each and pour the mixture into the drain.

Wait about fifteen minutes and then pour boiling water down the drain as well. All three components create a pretty aggressive chemical reaction and can unblock some of the tougher bathroom sink stoppages. 

3. Boiling Water

This works surprisingly well with certain bathroom clogs – especially stoppages due to soap scum. Boiling water is most effective when there is a slow drain and not a lot of tepid water already sitting in the sink. Fill up a kettle or large pot with water and bring it to a boil. Pour the water into the drain in three or four different stages. If this method is going to work, the results should be fairly quick.

4. Wet and Dry Vacuum

A wet and dry shop vacuum is an ideal appliance to help with particularly stubborn clogs. You might need to create a seal for the hose to effectively suction out the blockage (such as the top of a plastic soda bottle or a plunger head). Set your vacuum to the highest liquids setting and let the shop-vac do the rest. The powerful suction is usually strong enough to dislodge whatever is clogging the plumbing.

5. Wire Hanger

This method is saved for last because it is the most involved. If you can unclog your drain using one of the methods above, you can avoid this project. If not, using a wire hanger should clear up the most stubborn of clogs.

Materials: wire hanger, pliers (to help bend the wire), rubber gloves, and container to catch excess water.


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