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How Can You Relieve TMJ Symptoms?



Most people have never heard of TMJ, but it is a surprisingly common condition. TMJ is an acronym for temporomandibular joint, which is the two joints that connect your jaw to your skull. TMJ can be caused by various things, such as teeth grinding, arthritis, or injury. TMJ symptoms include pain in the jaw, neck, or shoulders, difficulty opening your mouth wide, and a clicking or popping sound when you move your jaw. If you are experiencing any of these symptoms, it is vital to see a dentist or doctor to get diagnosed and treated. A Gaithersburg TMJ specialist can recommend various treatments available for TMJ, and we look at some of them in this article.


Medication is often the first line of treatment for TMJ. A few different types of medication can be prescribed, including painkillers, anti-inflammatories, and muscle relaxants. If you are experiencing pain, your doctor may prescribe a painkiller to help you relieve the pain. If you have inflammation, they may prescribe an anti-inflammatory to help reduce the swelling. If you have muscle spasms, they may prescribe a muscle relaxant.


If the pain and other symptoms are not relieved by medication, your doctor may recommend surgery. A few different surgical procedures can be performed, depending on the cause of your TMJ. One procedure is called arthroscopy, a minimally invasive surgery used to diagnose and treat TMJ. It involves making a small incision in the mouth and inserting a camera to see what is causing the TMJ. Another procedure is called a joint replacement, which replaces a damaged joint. This procedure is usually only recommended if other treatments have failed.

Physical Therapy

If you are not a candidate for surgery or would like to try other treatments before surgery, your doctor may recommend physical therapy. Physical therapy involves doing exercises and stretches that can help improve the range of motion in your jaw and relieve the pain. There are a few different types of physical therapy, such as chiropractic therapy, massage therapy, and acupuncture.


If you are experiencing stress or anxiety due to your TMJ, counseling may be recommended. Counseling can help you deal with the emotions associated with TMJ and help you learn how to manage your stress. There are a few different types of counseling, such as cognitive-behavioral therapy and mindfulness-based stress reduction. It is effective for people who have TMJ due to stress and anxiety.


There is some evidence that nutrition can play a role in TMJ. Some people believe that eating foods that are high in inflammation, such as red meat, can aggravate the condition. Some evidence suggests that taking supplements, such as omega-3 fatty acids or magnesium can help relieve TMJ symptoms. If you are experiencing TMJ, it is essential to talk to your doctor or dentist about your diet and see if there are any changes that you can make.

In summary, TMJ is a condition that affects the temporomandibular joint, which is the joint that connects your jaw to your skull. It can be caused by various things, such as teeth grinding, arthritis, or injury. Luckily, you can treat TMJ by taking medication, surgery, or physical therapy. If you are experiencing any TMJ symptoms, it is crucial to see a dentist or doctor for diagnosis and treatment.


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