Gphysco’s troubles



Gphysco after moving to Texas has been missing going to school in person and interacting with peers in the degree he’s studying. With now having a place to live and trying to get on his feet for his new place balancing has been a slight challenge. Gphysco will return this year, it’s just the when is the real question. Gphysco is peeking in April once he has the rest of his stuff from FL and would be able to fully perform the way it has always been.

As Gphysco tries to learn content from the University (Full Sail University) it may be just a matter of time before Gphysco may or may not decide to pick something a little easier. With direct help in person Gphsyco could get more in person help. Gphysco feels that certain artists feel as if they gave up on music however this isn’t the case. The music artist is practicing producing, for when Gphysco comes back it’ll be like something totally different.


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