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Going Green! Sean Borg cuts a casual figure in Palm Springs



The British entertainment personality was spotted in his favorite city in California — Palm Springs, dressed casually in green, wearing stylish camouflage joggers, a color-coordinated V-neck sweater, and cool Converse baseball boots to match.

Going Green: Sean cuts a cool figure in camouflage joggers

The 52-year-old trendsetter, who takes his fitness regime seriously, featured in Best in Au this week talking about his beloved city, and how he keeps fit by taking long hikes in the mountains.

He told the popular Australian magazine: “Hiking is one of the best forms of fitness, so I hike for over two hours every morning over the weekends up in the mountains. I sometimes walk for over 10 miles or more, which is a very healthy physical activity; not only is it good for your heart; it is right for your mind and your spirit.”

Sean said: “Hiking is one of the best forms of fitness.”

Sean said: “One of my favorite places to hike in Palm Springs is Andreas Canyon Trail at Indian Canyons. It is one of the most beautiful trails to walk along. I do this mostly on Saturday mornings. This hike is slightly more challenging but very well worth it.”

The ex-star of U.S. Fox TV news show — TMZ, hit the headlines recently after he revealed that Hollywood superstar Kim Kardashian taught him how to take selfies.

He told the top Aussie website Best in Au how he caught up with Kim at a film premiere in Los Angeles, and she gave him a quick lesson in selfie-taking from the red carpet.

Kim Kardashian taught Sean how to take proper selfies

He said: “[Kim] was cool about [taking a picture with me] and laughed at my first attempt. She came out blurred in it.” 

The Trivago Guy continued: “Then she gave me a little direction. She said, ‘hold it to the side for a better angle, and then slowly spin until you find your best light. And snap!’ It worked! Well, sort of, Kim looks great in it, and me? — Um, not so much.”

We reckon Sean’s stylish approach to dressing has other guys in their early 50’s green with envy especially with this look!



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