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Gio Basha: The newest sound in the world of drill music!



New York Rapper Gio Basha is shaking up the drill scene with provocative and often controversial lyrics. Recently the Mayor of New York City sought to ban drill music altogether, following a rise in gang activity and violent crime. We got to sit down with rapper Gio Basha and we learned a few things about how and why he started rapping.

Okay so first we have to ask, how did you accumulate your net worth? We read an article on MarketWatch about you that said you were worth $14 million dollars in the private art industry. How did you do it?

Haha, jumping right in? Lucrative business ventures and things of that nature. I rather not discuss money though.

Fair enough, so recently you dropped your new song “Gunner” which almost instantly went viral. Tell us, how did you come up with the concept?

Gunner is a song I’ve always wanted to do. It’s aggressive, in your face and over the top. I grew up listening to music like that, so it was easy for me.

It’s a great song, we play it all the time here. How much of your music speaks to Gio Basha the man, as opposed to Gio Basha the artist?

As an artist, my music only reflects the current image I am projecting. Like an actor playing a part in a movie. Each song is a script and I play the main role.

Wow! That’s an intriguing way of looking at it. Lots of musicians tend to let their rap personas bleed over into real life situations, causing all kinds of legal trouble for them. What do you think about all the rappers who have been arrested recently?

I have no comment on that.

We saw that Jadakiss and other rappers liked your ‘Gunner’ song on Instagram. How does it feel to see New York legends appreciate your work?

I love it. We started this just having fun with it and we still are, but it’s opened up a lot more doors than I expected, so now I think I’m going to have to walk through a few of these doors to find out where they lead.

That’s a very poetic response. We love seeing new artists explore brand-new opportunities. Any other projects on the way that we should be expecting from Gio Basha?

Just expect more of me. I’m coming.

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