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Getting pregnant through Intrauterine Insemination



Many people complain about unwanted pregnancies but trying and failing to get pregnant is even disheartening. Traditionally, the inability to get pregnant was majorly blamed on the woman. However, recent developments have come up to suggest otherwise. The man and the woman can be equally to blame when attempting and failing to conceive. There are multiple ways to improve your chances of getting pregnant, like intrauterine insemination. If you are on the lookout for IUI in New York City, read on to find out what it entails.

What is Intrauterine Insemination?

This is a form of artificial insemination, an operation for dealing with infertility. Sperms from your partner or a donor are washed and concentrated. They are then inserted into your uterus, with the timing coinciding with when your ovary is releasing an egg or more for fertilization.

The procedure aims to hope that the sperm can swim into the fallopian tube to fertilize an egg waiting for pregnancy. Your reason for infertility determines whether the IUI is coordinated with your fertility medications or your regular cycle.

Why is Intrauterine Insemination carried out?

The occurrence of pregnancy among couples depends on a variety of factors. IUI is mainly done for couples with:

  • Unexplained infertility – IUI is usually done among the first treatment solutions for unexplained fertility, together with ovulation-inducing medications
  • Donor Sperm – Women who get pregnant via donor sperm use IUI mostly. They are provided with frozen donor sperms from labs and thawed to make them viable for insemination.
  • Endometriosis-related infertility – These conditions necessitate using IUI and medications to get a good-quality egg as the first course of treatment.
  • Cervical factor infertility – Mucus from your cervix may be too thick for the sperms to travel to the fallopian tube. This may be due to scarring resulting from biopsies or similar operations. The cervix, which connects the vagina and uterus, is bypassed by an IUI that deposits sperms directly to your uterus. This increases the number of sperms available to get to the egg, thus increasing your pregnancy chances.
  • Mild male factor infertility – Medical assessment of your partner’s semen may reveal weak mobility of sperm, below-average sperm concentration, or abnormalities in sperm shape and size. Some of these problems may be taken care of by using IUI since, during sperm preparation, the slower, lower-quality sperm are separated from the highly motile sperm used.
  • Semen allergy – Some people, though rarely, experience an allergy to the proteins in semen, leading to infertility. This allergic reaction from ejaculation causes burning, redness, and swelling where the skin contacts the semen.
  • Ovulatory factor infertility – A reduced number of eggs or ovulation absence may necessitate IUI to increase the chances of conceiving.

Some low-risk factors include using IUI like multiple pregnancies, spotting, or infection.

The inability to get pregnant can increase the strain in a couple’s relationship as the blame game shifts around, even subconsciously. There are multiple solutions for infertility, with IUI proving quite effective. Check out our website or call our offices in Upper East Side, NY, to book a consultation.


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