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Getting a senior citizens card allows people to avail of a lot of benefits



Getting a senior citizen card is not as difficult as it used to be a couple of years back. The cards
are dispatched by the Department of Social Welfare and handled only after gathering and
processing all the information. Now the entire process has been taken online and can be handled
by anyone with a basic understanding of how the internet works.

Additionally, the website is so easy to use that it even prompts users to the next step, if they aren’t sure what they are supposed to do. It also has all the information on the steps to be taken when handling this, and
any questions that users might have throughout the process.

The website handles the running about and coordinating with the office which is a giant task in
itself and is great if someone else is handling it for you. The application process through the
website would take about 30 minutes in total while if this were to be coordinated through the
office, it would have taken anywhere between a couple of weeks to months.

When third-party or private senior citizen card websites gather this information, they usually
communicate with the Department of Social Welfare and provide the information needed. This is
way better than having to handle it individually. The documentation is quite straightforward as
well and only needs proof of identification, nationality, and age.

What are the benefits of applying for a senior citizen’s card?

The card provides discounts and a lot of benefits to people who are 60 years and older. They
receive major cuts on their tickets on their airline tickets, bus rides and train fares across the
country. Additionally, they receive major concessions on their taxes, insurance and other
amounts that they have to spend. There are schemes to lower the prices of groceries other
commodities that they have to commonly purchase. They also get to cut lines and queues where
others aren’t senior citizens which is a great advantage to have.

Overall, a senior citizen card makes living at an older age a lot more convenient and allows the
people who have the card to avail of a lot of schemes that could provide significant financial

Unlike most other applications processes in the country, just by being an Indian and above the
age bracket, people can apply and avail one of the cards. Additionally, they have to make sure
that they renew it every couple of years to make sure it is still valid. Additionally, they would be
informed of all schemes that they can apply for.


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