Get to learn more about various types of arthritis




Various medical conditions affecting your joints causing stiffness and pain are usually classified as arthritis. In certain situations, the signs of arthritis can be severe, thus affecting your quality of life and overall health. When experiencing the signs and symptoms of arthritis, it is essential to seek medical attention before developing severe and long-term complications that might also become irreversible. Seeking medical help also helps determine the type of arthritis you might suffer from because there are over one hundred different types of arthritis. Therefore, if you are experiencing arthritic symptoms like joint pain, stiffness, or swelling and seek medical help, Portland arthritis specialists provide a solution to all your concerns. They are specialized in diagnosing and treating chronic musculoskeletal problems, including arthritis. Read on below to understand more about the various types of arthritis.

What is arthritis?

Generally, arthritis is a broad term referring to all conditions affecting your joints and present with joint pain, swelling, or tenderness. Usually, it is a condition that can affect any joint in your body and is said to worsen gradually. Most athletes with a previous history of joint injury are also at risk of developing arthritis in their old age. And taking treatment or managing your arthritis in its initial stages may delay or prevent the progression of joint conditions that might require surgery, including joint replacement.

What are the different types of arthritis?

There are various types of arthritis, each discussed below.

·         Osteoarthritis

Osteoarthritis is a degenerative disease typically because it involves tears and wears of the affected joint. It is a condition that occurs as you age and is mainly due to joint overuse. It can also be caused by obesity or joint injuries because they exert extra pressure on the joints. The most common types of joints affected are those that bear a lot of weight, including the hips, knees, spine, and feet joints. With this type of arthritis, your joints hurt, but you don’t experience fatigue like in other types of arthritis.

·         Rheumatoid arthritis

It is an autoimmune disease where your body starts producing antibodies to attack your body parts like the joints. This condition causes inflammation which can cause serious damage to your joint if left untreated. Most people with this type of arthritis get rheumatoid nodules or lumps on the skin around the affected joint.

·         Psoriatic arthritis

People diagnosed with psoriatic arthritis usually have inflamed joints and skin. This type of arthritis presents with raised white and red patches of swollen skin with scales. It commonly affects the tips of your knees, the elbows, the navel, and the skin surrounding the genital areas.

·         Gout

Gout is a medical condition characterized by the build-up of uric acid crystals in your joints. Your feet are commonly affected, especially your big toe or a part of your foot. You often experience sharp pain in your big toe, and stress, drugs, or other conditions can trigger a gout attack.

Other than the above types of arthritis, lupus is also another type of arthritis that can affect your joints and other body organs. Therefore, if you are experiencing any symptoms of arthritis and seek relief, you can start by calling Sports Health Northwest today for more information.


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