What is Gastric Sleeve and How Can It Help with Weight-loss?



Gastric sleeve is a weight-loss surgery that reduces the volume of the stomach by 75%. Gastric Sleeve is the most popular of all bariatric procedures and has fewer risks of side effects or complications. Explore the benefits and risks of undergoing gastric sleeve Frisco surgery.

What is a Gastric Sleeve procedure?

Your medical team will evaluate risk factors before the surgery to prevent complications. The surgery may not be suitable for people who regularly drink or smoke. Aspirin, Ibuprofen, and other blood thinning medications may cause complications during the procedure.

The surgeon will administer general anesthesia before the surgery. The medical team will make small incisions on your upper abdomen before removing the lower section of the stomach.

The surgery reduces the gut to a small, narrow sleeve, usually 30% of its original size. After removing the lower section of your stomach, the surgeon will check for leaks and wounds.

How can the Gastric Sleeve procedure help?

By reducing the size of your stomach, gastric sleeve surgery will force you to cut down your food intake. Even eating small amounts of food will make you feel full.

The feeling of fullness may not entirely reduce food intake for some patients. But the experience of discomfort will discourage most people from taking large quantities of food in one sitting.

A reduction in the volume of the gut also enhances glucose tolerance for people with obesity and type 2 diabetes. Research suggests that the improvements in glucose absorption are due to an increase in insulin secretion.

Gastric Sleeve developed as a safer alternative to gastric bypass for obese patients with a high risk of complications. It is less likely to cause complications compared to other bariatric procedures.

Are there any complications or side effects after surgery?

All surgical procedures have risks of complications, and the gastric sleeve procedure is no exception. The most common side effects include wound infections, blood clots, and a leaky gut.

Other side effects may include:

  • The lack of appetite or nausea
  • Insomnia and depression after surgery
  • Bleeding of the surgical wound
  • Delayed movement of food in the stomach

Managing risks after the Sleeve Gastrectomy procedure

Regular exercise to reduce BMI: It is possible to regain weight after Sleeve Gastrectomy. Conducting psychological and nutritional counseling can reduce the risk of side effects. Patients may have to reduce their BMI before the procedure.

Smaller food portions: It may also take time before the stomach is accustomed to regular food. Patients often start with liquid foods and proceed to softer foods before resorting to the usual diet. The Bariatric Experts medical team will advise you against eating large quantities of food in one sitting. Take smaller portions multiple times to prevent vomiting and nausea.

Performing routine tests after surgery: Since most people eat less after the surgery, they may have a deficiency of minerals. Nutritional deficiencies may increase the risk of anemia. The medical team may recommend supplements to boost vitamin D, iron, and calcium.

The gastric sleeve procedure can help patients with obesity and diabetes. A thorough initial evaluation is essential to assess risk factors and reduce complications. Consult The Bariatric Experts today for more information on our weight-loss surgery in Frisco.


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