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Four Reasons to Consider Dental Implants in Shelby Township



Dental implants are designed to restore your smile as well as keep your mouth healthy and functioning. Also, dentists often choose them as teeth replacements. A missing tooth must be replaced as soon as possible to avoid bone loss. Leaving a missing tooth unreplaced can also result in the surrounding teeth shifting, causing other issues and changing your bite. If you are still wondering if it’s time to consider dental implants in Shelby Township, here are the reasons you may want to consider these dental solutions:

You Have a Seriously Cracked Tooth

Sometimes, a chipped or cracked tooth can be repaired with bonding or a crown, but only when the damage is not too serious. For severely damaged teeth, dental implants are often the best solution. This especially applies to cracks that have gone deep into the tooth.

You Have Loose or Uncomfortable Dentures

Although dentures can benefit a lot of patients, they can cause some discomfort for others. In this case, you may want to consider implant-support dentures anchored into your jawbone. With these dentures, you do not worry about them being loose. And nobody can tell the dentures are not your natural teeth. Also, you care for the implants as you would your natural teeth, reducing the risk of bacterial growth.

You Have Missing Teeth

No matter how you lost your teeth, leaving a gap between your teeth can negatively affect your oral and overall health. Did you know that bacteria can grow in the gap and cause decay? In addition, missing teeth can make it difficult for you to speak and eat. Thankfully, dental implants can safely replace your missing teeth to prevent the growth of bacteria in the gap and let you speak and eat your favorite food easily.

You Have Reduced Facial Structure

Following a tooth loss, your jawbone will shrink and decline because of a lack of stimulation. Over time, bone loss can change your facial structure and cause you to look older than your age. Although conventional dentures can replace missing teeth, they don’t offer the stimulation your jawbone needs. But dental implants are placed into the jawbone, preventing bone loss.

Implant technology is constantly improving. If you used to ignore the benefits of dental implants, it might be time to reconsider your decision. Advanced dental techniques allow for predictable restorations that used to be impossible. You should visit your dentist soon to know if you are a good candidate for dental implants. 


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