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How to Expand your Audience with Online Conferences?



Expand your Audience with Online Conferences

2020 has seen many changes and new trends. Conference organizers and promoters have switched to online forums. Though this was done mainly because of the social distancing norms, the companies are now considering exploring the online venture further.

Undoubtedly, the decision to go virtual needs proper planning, resources, and creativity. All the aspects need to be altered to adjust to the virtual system. Though comparatively new, there are easy solutions for increasing the attractiveness, popularity, and effectiveness of your online event.

Proper Use of Social Media Marketing

Social media is the best tool out there to expand your audience for an online event. The various social media platforms not only notify the users of what’s coming up, but they also provide them with necessary information.

Facebook events are one of the most useful platforms as they provide an amazing amount of information as well as visibility. They will know what their friends are attending or are interested in and they will want to check out the events too. You can also provide the online registration details, dates, detailed description of the event. Once the procedure is completed and the Facebook event is up, you can link other social media platforms such as Instagram, Twitter, Snapchat, etc.

Moreover, another constructive way of increasing the audience is to use hashtags. This will help your event to gain more audience across all platforms. Hashtags have the potential to make the posts go viral and create more hype resulting in increased attendance.

Active Promotion

After posting your event details on social media it is important to promote it properly. You need to engage your target audience even before the event starts. Engage in ad campaigns to boost audience attendance.  Get the audience excited about the upcoming event and give them a quick glimpse of your preparations to boost conversation. But do remember that it is always quality over quantity. Make sure you don’t tire the audience with your constant posts and notifications. Postless but post the best and make the audience look forward to the event.

Personal Emails

It is always important to flatter your attendees. Engaging personally with your audience through emails helps to build interest. Make the emails look good so that the audience takes their time out to check them properly. Incorporate details such as why should they attend this event, key take always from the event, and how they can benefit from it.

Create A Buzz

Creating excitement and anticipation is necessary for attracting more audiences. You can use various methods to do so. Reveal your speakers and guests using teasers or videos to increase excitement. You can also arrange giveaways and expand your reach. You can use Instagram countdowns or Live stream sessions to promote and build excitement.

Audience Interaction

Make the audience feel like insiders. Engage in online conversations with them and try to understand their needs and expectations. You can also use different tools that help to increase interaction such as polls or Q&A sessions.

Post Event Promotion

The promotion continues even after an event is over. You need to make sure that you don’t lose the audience in your next event but in contrast, gain more. Therefore, you need to post in your social media how the event took place and ask for feedback from the attendees.

Finally, as virtual events are gaining more popularity it is important to analyze the importance of social media platforms in promoting the same. Other than social media forums, digital marketers should use their own skills and incorporate their own ideas to booster audiences and reach. With increasing competition, it is necessary to stand out and create a mark of your own.


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