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Everything You Need to Know About Rhinoplasty



Rhinoplasty also called a nose job, is a surgical procedure to improve the appearance of your nose. Your best oculofacial plastic surgeon in McLean can use the procedure to correct defects caused by injury or birth, make your nose more symmetrical, or change the size or shape of your nose.

Rhinoplasty is one of the most popular cosmetic procedures in the world. It can be done using general or local anesthesia and usually takes one to two hours.

Many different techniques can be used, so your surgeon will discuss the options. The goal is to achieve a natural-looking result that complements your other features.

Reasons why you need Rhinoplasty

There are many reasons why people choose to have rhinoplasty surgery. Some common reasons include:

  • Having a nose that is too large or too small for your face
  • A bump on the bridge of your nose
  • Nasal asymmetry
  • Drooping nasal tip
  • Crooked nose
  • Enlarged nasal turbinates
  • A deviated septum
  • Nasal allergies or sinus problems
  • Trauma to the nose

Risks of Rhinoplasty

Some of the risks include; bleeding, infection, swelling, numbness, scarring, and breathing problems. Your surgeon will discuss these risks with you in detail before your surgery.

What to expect after surgery

Most people feel some pain and swelling after surgery. You will be given medications to help you manage any discomfort. It is essential to follow your doctor’s instructions for postoperative care.

You should avoid strenuous activity, sun exposure, and drinking alcohol for the first few weeks after surgery. Results will vary depending on the technique used and your anatomy.

Preparing for Rhinoplasty

When you schedule a rhinoplasty, you must have a preoperative appointment with your surgeon. They will go over the procedure with you in detail and answer any questions.

You will also need to have a physical examination and lab work done. If you take any medications, you will need to stop taking them several days before surgery.

On the day of surgery, you will need to arrive at the surgical center early to be prepared for surgery. After surgery, you will need to stay in the recovery room until you are fully awake and able to go home.

How long is the recovery period?

Most people take about two weeks to recover from rhinoplasty surgery. However, it may take longer for some people. You will need to avoid strenuous activity, sun exposure, and drinking alcohol for the first few weeks after surgery. Results will vary depending on the technique used and your anatomy.

What should you look for in a surgeon?

When choosing a surgeon, it is essential to do your research. It will help if you look for a board-certified surgeon who has experience performing rhinoplasty surgery. They should also be able to show you before-and-after photos of previous patients.

You should feel comfortable asking your surgeon any questions you have. These professionals will answer all of your questions clearly and concisely.

If you are not happy with your current nose, Rhinoplasty may be the solution for you. In case of any questions or concerns, contact Sanctuary Cosmetic Center.


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