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Everyday uses of Music

Music is an important part of our everyday life. People from around the world listen to music and even create music. Research shows that music has the power to affect our cognitive abilities and our emotions as well. Music is used by different people for different purposes, some use it to express themselves while others use it for personal satisfaction.
The value that music holds in your life depends upon the uses you make out of it and your level of engagement with the same. Some people who are involved in music, for example, singers, instrumentalists, etc. think of it as their worship. They are completely dedicated to the art and constantly try to make it better. But not everyone is that involved in music. We all like to listen to songs and even hum along with some, but that is generally according to our convenience. This is what makes it relaxing and therapeutic. Music is used in a lot of yoga sessions and meditations. It helps people to calm down and focus on positive energy. In fact, a lot of people listen to music while sleeping to have better sleep.
Don’t we all love to have a good song in the background while we do our chores? Having a hot cup of coffee on a chilly winter morning along with your favorite tune in your ears is simply bliss. The effect that music can have on our mental health is extraordinary. This is why a lot of parents today prefer to put their children in some kind of music lesson so that they have something relaxing in their lives. Not only children, a lot of adults as well are opting for music lessons since it is calming yet intriguing. You get to learn new things and access your creative side. This is why music lessons are becoming increasingly famous amongst the millennial population.

Be it singing, listening, or playing an instrument all of these are equally rewarding. Listening to music leads our brain to release the happy hormones which make us happier. When it comes to singing, people are hesitant to sing but don’t we all sing our hearts out in the shower? This is a kind of catharsis and leaves you in a very good mood. People suffer from anxiety and depression; music can help you in your journey of healing. You can use music to express your emotions or to vent out your feelings.
Without music, our life would simply be incomplete. There won’t be any tunes to hum along, there won’t be any songs to dance on and there won’t be any melodies which will help us to sleep. Therefore, we can say that music not only has immense benefits but is also essential for our lives. We should appreciate it and try to engage with music more in our everyday lives to have a better living.

Sebastian was born and raised in the busy city of Abbottabad. As a journalist, Saad Mushtaq has contributed to many online publications including the PAK Today and the Huffing Post. In regards to academics, Saad Mushtaq earned a degree in business from the Abbottabad UST, Havelian. Saad Mushtaq follows the money and covers all aspects of emerging tech here at The Hear Up.Thanks