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Eva Marcille reposts Mike Sterling’s emotional post on Marley Sterling’s birthday



Eva Marcille reported one of Mike Sterling’s posts about Marley Sterling’s birthday. This is exciting and there are many followers crying. See the following messages.

“I posted a big picture of @thankfulcliff on @miketsterling on the east wall of the house, and it wakes up every day, telling itself and the workers.” Knowing that this is a tough battle, you don’t have to be overwhelmed again. If you only make money that day, that’s fine, “Eva started to submit.

She continued Mike’s words. “But I also know that days are weeks, weeks are months, months are years. If you were planning to make money every day, what would you do?

“If you’re worried, the big plan you’re trying to do is not overwhelming. This seems to be because Malibu has changed a part of my life. II needs to make money every day, but it’s nothing special to me: in At some point, if you get frustrated and try to get “money”, you will be motivated and win again. I try to make money every day, but these days are weeks, others are “weeks are months, others are several Months “.

Someone said, “You deserve it, whether she or he deserves it. This is my father’s honor!”

1 follower posted this post-Happy Marley! She has a great father!

Another reviewer said: “This is a very special, delicate and perfect birthday,” other followers said: such a good gift

Another said, “Happy birthday, Cutie Pie !!! Marley is awesome. My 23-year-old job title is the same. This is a great destiny.

“@Evamarcille, this is a man! The gap. This is a huge example of patriarchy and love. Dan, crying in my eyes. You have @miketsterling. I am lucky to own a house and everyone has a charming home.


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