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Effective Treatments For Preventing Vision Loss



Effective Treatments For Preventing Vision Loss


Research shows that older adults have a high risk of developing age-related macular degeneration. This disorder is responsible for most cases of vision loss as those resulting from glaucoma and cataracts. If you are looking for treatments to prevent vision loss, macular degeneration Hell’s Kitchen treatment techniques at Russel Micah Levine, MD, may preserve your vision by preventing the progression of the disorder.

What is macular degeneration?

Macular degeneration is a degenerative eye condition that damages your macula, the central part of your retina, resulting in blurred or complete loss of central vision. The macula is a small part in your eye that facilitates clear vision in the direct line of sight. This disorder often affects older adults aged 50 and above, but it can also affect younger adults. Dr. Levine offers treatment for several forms of macular degeneration, including:

  • Dry macular degeneration

Dry macular degeneration develops when drusen, small protein spots, accumulate under your macular. A build-up of these proteins impairs your retina, causing vision loss. Dry macular degeneration can damage one and then both over time. If one eye is damaged, you may not be aware of the changes in your central vision. If left untreated, it deteriorates and affects your ability to read, drive or recognize faces from far.

  • Wet macular degeneration

Wet macular degeneration is the rarest form of this disorder, and it occurs when the abnormal blood vessels beneath your macular leak blood or fluid. This leakage causes scar tissue formation, damaging your macular and blurring your central vision. The symptoms of wet macular degeneration are sudden and severe, prompting urgent medical attention.

What symptoms show that you have macular degeneration?

Macular degeneration symptoms depend on the type and severity of the disorder. Dry macular degeneration symptoms include blurred vision, trouble adapting to dull lighting, and difficulty recognizing faces. On the other hand, sudden, severe symptoms, hazy vision, and dark spots in your vision may signify wet macular degeneration. Contrary to common belief, macular degeneration cannot cause total blindness. The disorder impairs your central vision without interfering with your peripheral vision. If you have severe macular degeneration, Dr. Levine may recommend vision rehabilitation to help you go about your routine with your reduced vision.

How can you treat macular degeneration?

During your appointment, Dr. Levine and his team at Russel Micah Levine, MD, will conduct a thorough eye exam and discuss your symptoms. The team may also conduct fundus photography and coherence tomography to provide a clear view of the retina and the underlying blood vessels.

After diagnosis, your provider may recommend an appropriate treatment depending on the severity of your medical condition. The team may educate you about your eye disorder and develop an individualized care plan to prevent the deterioration of the disease. Dr. Levine may recommend eye drops for wet macular degeneration to prevent the formation of more blood vessels. He may also recommend photodynamic therapy to seal leaking blood vessels under your macular.

For comprehensive eye care and support, call Dr. Levine or visit the website to schedule a consultation today.

