Dog CPR: How to Save Your Pet’s Life




Caring for your pets is a top priority for many people, especially those with a dog. That’s why learning how to do doggy CPR is a lifesaver for you and your pup.

Being responsible for a pet, you should know how to handle emergencies involving breathing and circulation to act fast and hopefully save your dog’s life.

Let’s explore some key points to keep in mind when it comes to doing dog CPR.

Check Your Pet for Breathing and Heartbeat

The first step is to check your pet for breathing and heartbeat. Start by looking, listening, and feeling for breathing.

You can look for the rise and fall of the chest, listen for the sound of air coming in and out, and feel your pet’s nose for air. You can also place your ear near the pet’s snout and listen for breath sounds.

Lay Your Pet on Their Side or Back

Another critical step is to lay your pet on its side or back. It can open the pet’s airways if your pet is unconscious, allowing oxygen to enter its body.

Ensure that the pet’s tongue is not blocking the airway and that its head is slightly tilted back. Also, laying them on their side or back will help prevent them from choking on vomit, saliva, or other fluids.

Give Chest Compressions

Using two hands (or one for small breeds), place the palms flat on either side of the chest, just behind the pet’s elbow, and press down firmly and evenly. Compress the chest 100-120 times per minute. Make sure to pause between the compressions so oxygen can enter the lungs.

It is one of the essential parts of knowing how to do pet CPR. If you want to learn more about CPR for pets, visit

Give Two Rescue Breaths

Giving two rescue breaths is one of the steps included in the process of performing CPR for dogs. It would help if you first opened the dog’s mouth, ensuring it is clear of any obstructions. Next, while gently pinching the dog’s nostrils, breathe air into the dog’s open mouth, watching the chest rise.

After two seconds, allow the air to escape and repeat the process. The goal is to give two rescue breaths and then continue with CPR to help the dog until you can provide proper medical attention.

Call for Emergency Vet Services

Emergency Vet Services should be called as soon as possible when a medical emergency arises with your dog or any pet. It is because they are knowledgeable, especially on how to give CPR to a dog.

Notify a vet immediately. After your pet is stabilized, take them to the veterinarian so they can handle the situation and correctly diagnose your pet. Remember that the earlier you act and call for Emergency Vet Services, the more chances your pet can survive and lead a healthy life.

Start Your Training on How to Do a Dog CPR

In conclusion, dog CPR is an essential skill to have to be prepared to save your canine companion if an emergency arises. Taking a CPR class or reading up on correct techniques and safety steps are helpful ways to learn the basics.

Combining CPR with a first-aid kit to handle other emergencies can allow you to act quickly and save your pet’s life! Sign up for a pet CPR class today!

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