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6 Reasons Your Doctor Will Advocate for a Root Canal Treatment



Root canal treatment is one of the most common dental procedures, and it is also one of the most essential. This treatment can save your natural teeth and prevent further damage to your oral health. This procedure is usually recommended when the pulp, or soft tissue inside your tooth, becomes infected. At root canal treatment New York they remove the infected pulp from your tooth and then seal the tooth.

An endodontist typically performs the procedure, and is a dentist specializing in this type of treatment. However, some general dentists also perform root canals. During the procedure, your dentist will make an opening in your tooth so that they can access the pulp. They will then remove the infected pulp and clean the inside of your tooth. Once your tooth has been cleaned, it will be sealed with a filling or a crown.

The aftercare for a root canal is similar to a filling or a crown. You will need to take care of your tooth and brush and floss regularly. It is a vital dental practice for preventing cavities and tooth decay.

These are six reasons your doctor may advocate for a root canal treatment, including:

1. Severe tooth pain

If you are experiencing severe tooth pain, it could signify that the pulp in your tooth is infected. This pain typically worsens when you chew or apply pressure to the tooth. You may also notice that your tooth is sensitive to hot and cold temperatures. Your doctor may recommend a root canal to relieve this pain.

2. Gum swelling

If you have an infected tooth, you may notice that your gums are swollen and tender. It is because the infection can spread from your tooth to your gums. Your doctor may recommend a root canal to clear the infection and prevent it from spreading.

 3. Tooth discoloration

If you have an infected tooth, it may start to change color. It is because the infection can cause the tooth to die. Your doctor may recommend a root canal to save the tooth and prevent further discoloration.

4. Broken tooth

If you have a broken tooth, there is a chance that the pulp could be exposed. This exposed pulp can become infected, so your doctor may recommend a root canal to prevent the infection from spreading. A broken tooth can be caused by chewing on hard objects, grinding your teeth, or having an accident.

5. Cracked tooth

Like a broken tooth, a cracked tooth can also expose the pulp and lead to an infection. Your doctor may recommend a root canal to save the tooth and prevent further damage.

6. Trauma to the tooth

If you have had an accident or injury that has caused trauma to your tooth, it could be damaged. This damage can lead to an infection, so your doctor at Charles M. Marks, DDS & Dental Associates, may recommend a root canal to save the tooth and prevent further damage.A root canal helps relieve pain and pressure in the tooth by removing the nerve and pulp from the inside of the tooth. This procedure can help to improve the appearance of your smile by making your teeth look brighter and whiter. So, if you are experiencing any of these symptoms, contact your dentist to see if a root canal is a right procedure.


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