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CrossFit: is it really the best exercise to lose weight in 2020?



 CrossFit is a high-intensity workout that has displaced other classic exercises, but how far do its benefits go?

The CrossFit has been gaining popularity in recent years, although it is not practical as recently as commonly believed: born in 1995 from the hand of Greg Glassman, former coach of the Santa Cruz police in California (USA). Later, during 2001, Glassman expanded his functional training to higher levels, such as Marines and other US military.

Currently, there are an estimated 13,000 official CrossFit gyms worldwide, and those who practice it come to take it as a philosophy of life. It is a high-intensity training program where strength and resistance exercises vary every day, without rest between exercises, by “rounds”. It is what is known as “WOD”.

However, even though it might be reminiscent of typical HIIT or high-intensity training, is CrossFit effective for weight loss and weight loss? More than a few begin in these workouts with the aim of “getting in shape”, in addition to gaining muscle mass in some cases. However, it is not so simple.

Some experts remember that CrossFit workouts, despite being high intensity, are short, and it is possible that they will not exceed 150-200 kcal burned in a single session.

Yes, for the duration of the workouts it is a significant amount, but they are the same calories that would be burned walking between 30 and 40 minutes at a moderate pace. And the situation worsens if we remember that you need to burn around 3,500 kcal on average to lose half a kilogram of fat.

CrossFit is an acceptable form of body recomposition, but there are more than a few individuals who do not see the number of the scales decrease after a few weeks of training: in this type of training, you usually lose fat and gain muscle relatively simultaneously. Therefore, the shape will be improved but total body weight will not be lost.

CrossFit and weight loss

However, a study published in 2013 in the Journal of Strength & Conditioning Research looked at the effects of CrossFit on aerobic fitness (endurance) and body composition. 23 men and 20 women participated in this study for 10 weeks. According to their results, in less than 2 months there was a loss of fat of 4.2% in men, and 3.4% in women, equivalent to 3 kg of fat in men and 2 kg in women, making it a significant result.

In another study of the same year, carried out by the Department of Kinesiology at Kansas State University, a HIFT-type training  – high-intensity functional training such as CrossFit –  was compared with a moderate-intensity training. And, according to their results, those who carried out HIFT-type training obtained better results with less time dedicated to physical exercise during the week. More for less, in short.

Later, in 2014, another study published in the Journal of Strength & Conditioning Research evaluated the adherence and motivation that CrossFit promulgates with respect to other types of physical exercise, and the importance this has on weight loss in general.

According to their results, after surveying 88 women and 56 men, it was concluded that CrossFit is capable of motivating enough to continue training in the long term, so the study suggested that the support system improves both adherence to physical exercise. such as general improvements in lifestyle, such as a balanced diet.

CrossFit and bodybuilding

On the flip side of the coin are individuals looking at CrossFit for a form of muscle gain as an alternative to typical classic weight lifting exercises. Whether it is due to wanting to improve strength, body aesthetics, or due to both factors, there are many who start this functional training with that idea in mind. And some studies back it up.

For example, a study published in Sports magazine analyzed the adaptations of new cross-fitters in just 8 weeks. And, according to their results, no great changes were detected in terms of body fat, but an increase of 1 kg of lean muscle was detected, a significant fact in such a short time.

As can be seen, it is a completely opposite result of the first study mentioned on fat loss, since in this case there was no such loss. On the other hand, a study published in Military Medicine in 2017 suggests that individuals who participate in CrossFit-type HIFT workouts suffer less hunger and need to eat less compared to traditional exercise programs.

But do you lose weight or not?

As can be seen, there are conflicting studies on the benefits of CrossFit regarding overall weight loss or fat loss in particular. Some suggest that it is a good system, and others think that this type of functional training is better in terms of muscle gain.

The reality is that many experts agree that CrossFit provides benefits at the level of general body recomposition.  Total weight is not lost significantly, but fat loss and muscle gain to be taken into account are achieved. However, these are relative data, because everything depends on the initial level of the “novice” in training, the intensity dedicated to it, and the number of weekly training carried out.

In the aforementioned studies, there are several limitations to take into account: they are done with few participants, and over a few weeks. In c any type of sport, the new initiates tend to lose fat and gain muscle mass significantly during the first period, which may well cover the first three months of onset.

Later, when the body gets used to the demands, the benefits of physical exercise diminish. CrossFit-type workouts are no exception: it is not a worsening in overall physical performance or a worsening of diet, but rather physiological adaptations to exercise and eating that any normal functioning human body must perform.

Therefore, although CrossFit does seem to have proven to be a good system for losing body fat in the case of newbies in the field, in the long term it is not the most efficient system.

Importance of physical activity

  • Health promotion: it has great benefits, regardless of obesity.
  • Prevention of weight gain: it is an aspect that has been studied a lot, both in children and adults.
  • Treatment of obesity and maintenance of the weight loss achieved.


In terms of health promotion, lower mortality has been widely seen, both in men and women. People who have a high level of physical activity have a 60% lower mortality rate than those who are sedentary and therefore have low physical activity, the same in men as in women. This was demonstrated in a study that spanned approximately 20 years, and which was adjusted for confounding factors, in which physical activity was found to decrease mortality, regardless of weight change and other variables that affect this index (1 ).

When the main causes of mortality in adults are analyzed and the effect of physical inactivity is compared, it is observed that, both in people of normal weight and in those who are overweight or obese, physical inactivity is the highest risk factor relative to death. In a follow-up of patients for 23 years, except those who initially had cardiovascular disease (who had a higher risk of dying than inactive patients), inactivity surpassed smoking, high blood pressure, hypercholesterolemia, and type 2 diabetes. Obese patients, the relative risk factors are very high compared to those without any of these conditions (2).

Physical activity and health

Physical activity prevents and improves the control of diseases such as diabetes, high blood pressure, and dyslipidemia, and, by controlling these three cardiovascular risk conditions, reduces the risk of coronary heart disease.

It also improves the lipid profile, since it increases HDL cholesterol and lowers triglycerides. Lowering LDL cholesterol is described in some studies, but not all. These changes in the lipid profile are observed in all people who undergo a physical activity plan or who manage to improve their activity, regardless of weight changes.

Exercise improves cardiovascular function, since it increases the efficiency in the use of O2, reduces the resting heart rate and improves the response to submaximal exercise; therefore, it improves the stress tolerance that a given exercise implies.

In addition, it is associated with less loss of bone mass in women, it prevents the excessive decrease in bone mass that occurs after menopause, thereby preventing osteoporosis.

The risk of colon cancer is 3 to 4 times higher in sedentary people compared to those who are physically active, as is the risk of breast cancer, which is 2.5 times higher.

Physical activity improves psychological well-being. There are many studies with psychometric tests that show that people who do more physical activity have a better psychosocial and physiological response to stress, better self-esteem, self-image and self-acceptance, better social insertion and better perspectives. Additionally, exercise helps control anxiety, irritability, fatigability, and decreased mood associated with diet.

Finally, exercise has been associated with a healthier eating habit and gives a feeling of better personal control. It is not known if people do it because the environment presses or guides them to acquire healthier behavior, or if there are physiological changes that alter eating behavior. Probably both conditions.


Physical activity and prevention of body weight gain

Cross-sectional studies, which are the most criticized, show that sedentary individuals have a higher BMI, but it is not known whether this is the cause or the effect of excess weight, that is, It is not known if sedentary lifestyle causes the increase in BMI or if obesity causes the person to be more sedentary (3,4,5).

Follow-up studies in adults, carried out by Rissanen, show that the low level of recreational physical activity predicts a weight gain of more than 5 kg over five years, which does not occur in those who have more recreational-type physical activity (6 ). Studies in children, with an evaluation of parameters such as television hours in relation to weight gain, have shown similar results.

The energy expenditure during exercise is maintained several hours after the end of the physical activity plan or movements, and there is an increase in post-exercise oxygen consumption; moreover, regular physical activity increases resting energy expenditure. This is controversial, but it is thought that physically active people would have a different body composition and, with the same weight, they would have a greater muscle mass and probably a lower percentage of fat mass.


Physical inactivity and relative risk of weight gain

In a follow-up of approximately thirteen years, it was observed how in men and women the low level of physical activity was associated with an increased risk of weight gain. The risk of gaining 13 kilos was 2.3 times higher in men and 7.1 times higher in women when they were physically inactive (7).

This monitoring has led to an increase in physical activity health plans from an early age, since the consequences of lack of exercise are alarming, especially in women.

Metabolic effects of regular physical activity Regular physical

activity conditions activation of the sympathetic nervous system that maintains the turnover of adrenaline before food restriction. For example, people who restrict their diet, but do not do physical activity and remain very sedentary, generally have a very low sympathetic tone, which is related to lower energy expenditure, less spontaneous physical activity, etc. In addition, they have an increase in the efficiency of the beta-adrenergic pathway in adipose tissue, with a greater capacity to deposit fat (8).

Furthermore, regular activity improves the ability to oxidize lipids. Kempen showed that from 12 weeks of exercise, in obese men and women, there is an increase in lipid oxidation from 38% to 58%, and the same has been found in other studies with marked fats and calorimetry. indirect (9).

In 1996, the group of Kempen and Saris, who have studied the effect of physical activity on metabolism in the Netherlands a lot, observed that with 30 minutes of exercise, at 60% of the maximum consumption of O2, the patient accustomed to exercise is capable burning 10 g fatter than the unaccustomed, that is, with the same exercise, the person who has the habit burns fatter (10 g more fat for 30 minutes). If this is extrapolated to weeks, months, and years, it has a significant impact (10).



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