Common Types of Fractures



Most injuries are easy to treat and manage. However, if you are experiencing pain, swelling, bleeding, bruising, or discoloration on a certain part of the body, you might have a fracture. In this case, you should seek immediate help to immobilize the fractured body part to reduce pain and further damage. Treatment is recommended because fractures might result in permanent muscle or nerve damage if left untreated. For quick recovery, you can seek Crown Point fractures treatment, especially if you suspect that you might have fractured a bone. You can also learn about the different types of fractures to help determine which treatment will work best for you. The types are as follows:

Open fractures

Open fractures are caused by serious trauma that makes the bone pieces pierce through the surrounding skin. As a result, the broken skin is at risk of infection, and you require immediate treatment to help prevent the infection. For this type of fracture, you require surgery due to the severe nature of the condition.

Stress fracture

Generally, stress fractures refer to small breaks in the bones resulting from repeated stress exerted on a certain bone. Usually, these fractures occur on weight-bearing bones, including the feet and leg bones. Therefore, you are at a greater risk of developing this type of fracture, especially if you are an athlete, because of the constant training and stress you exert on your body.

Comminuted fractures

If you were involved in a serious fall or motor car accident, you are more likely to suffer from comminuted fractures. Comminuted fractures require a lot of pressure on a bone, breaking it into many pieces. These types of fractures usually cause you to experience severe pain. You might also require surgery to fix this fracture because the bone has broken into several pieces.

Compression fractures

Compression fractures commonly occur along your spinal cord. In most cases, this type of fracture can make your vertebral column collapse resulting in intense pain. The primary cause of compression fractures is osteoporosis, which can also be caused by trauma. Usually, pain resulting from a compression fracture s intense and often worsens when you stand and reduces when you lie down. Strengthening your spinal column plays an essential role in alleviating pain.

Greenstick fractures

Greenstick fractures are common in children and occur when the flexible bones break or crack on one side. Usually, kids are at a greater risk of developing this type of fracture because their bones are soft and supple and grow continuously, thus making them bend more easily than adults.

You can schedule your appointment at North Point Orthopaedic today, especially if you suspect that you might have a fracture. Qualified and experienced physicians offer the best treatment to help alleviate pain and prevent further complications. Examples of fracture treatments available include traction, internal fixation, intramedullary nailing, and external fixation. Your care provider discusses all the treatment options available to help you choose the best. You can also call their offices and enquire more about additional services available.


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