Common Services Offered in Reproductive Endocrinology



Reproductive endocrinology is a medical specialty that deals with infertility, menopause, and other conditions involving reproductive hormones. The medical specialists in this field are called reproductive endocrinologists. The main focus of reproductive endocrinology Bedford is on hormonal issues that affect infertility but can also attend to other reproductive problems. Endocrinologists can diagnose and treat reproductive disorders in both genders that cause infertility. 

These providers can also assist obstetricians and gynecologists in prenatal and postnatal issues. Reproductive endocrinology provides many medical services, including:

Diagnostic tests

Before reproductive endocrinologists develop a treatment plan, the providers must find the cause of your condition. Diagnosis may include a check for thyroid disorders, semen tests, and a uterus and fallopian tubes X-ray to check for structural problems. Ovarian reserve fertility tests can measure the level of various hormones related to reproduction, such as follicle stimulating, estradiol, and anti-Müllerian hormones.

Surgical treatments

Reproductive endocrinologists perform many surgeries, such as abdominal myomectomy, to remove non-cancerous growths in the uterus. These providers can do surgeries to unblock fallopian tubes or other operations to correct structural issues causing infertility. Endocrinologists can also perform surgeries in men to unblock reproductive ducts to allow sperm passage.

Give hormone treatments

During assisted reproductive technology, your doctor may include hormone treatment to help you carry your baby to term. Hormones can also treat particular infertility causes like polycystic ovarian syndrome. During menopause, endocrinologists can use hormone replacement therapy to reduce menopausal symptoms. Sometimes hormone treatment can be used to improve your sexual development.

Infertility treatments

Your endocrinologist offers infertility treatment depending on the cause. It may involve medications, hormone therapy, or assisted reproductive technology (ART). ART involves various treatments, including intrauterine insemination, where your doctor collects sperm and places them in a woman’s uterus for fertilization. This technique can be beneficial when a man has ejaculation disorders. 

In vitro fertilization is another ART technique that is commonly used. This procedure involves your endocrinologist fertilizing an ovum with sperm in a laboratory and transferring the best embryo to the mother or surrogate’s uterus.

Fertility preservation

Fertility preservation involves saving sperm, eggs, or embryos for future use. You can have fertility preservation if you have a problem, treatment, or experience that can affect your fertility. For example, you can have your eggs, sperm, or embryos frozen before cancer treatment. Doctors can also preserve eggs or sperm if you have surgeries concerning your reproductive parts.

Attend to menstrual disorders

Menstrual disorders can include heavy or irregular periods. Polycystic ovarian syndrome, perimenopause, thyroid diseases, medications, uterine fibroids, and contraceptive methods can lead to menstrual disorders. Your endocrinologist can diagnose the source of your problem and create a treatment plan for you. Reducing weight and treating underlying conditions like thyroid disease can help normalize your periods.

Treat low sperm count

Low sperm count can result from cystic fibrosis, blockage of sperm flow, uncontrolled diabetes, certain medications, and high prolactin levels. Treating underlying conditions and hormone therapy can help increase sperm count. Your doctor can recommend an intra-cytoplasmic injection if a pregnancy is desired. Reproductive endocrinology focuses on infertility and other reproductive issues. 

This specialty diagnoses and treats all conditions that cause infertility. Schedule an appointment at Effortless IVF for reproductive endocrinology services to diagnose and treat your infertility.


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