Common Myths About DUI ArrestsBusted!



Driving under the influence (DUI) of drugs or alcohol has always been against the law. That said, the laws vary from country to country. In the United States, each state has its own DUI laws.

Knowing the DUI arrest myths can help you protect yourself and take the necessary legal steps. Serving time because of false information harms you and society. With this in mind, consider DUI arrests myths before proceeding with your car.

1. You Can Avoid a DUI by Sleeping It off in Your Car

There are many myths about what will result in a DUI arrest, and one of the most common is that you can avoid arrest by sleeping it off in your car. This myth is perpetuated by the fact that people are often arrested for DUI after they have been sleeping in their car.

However, this does not mean that sleeping in your car will avoid a DUI arrest. When police officers see someone sleeping in their car, they will often investigate to see if the person is intoxicated.

If the officer believes that the person is intoxicated, they will likely be arrested for DUI.

If You Refuse a Breathalyzer Test, You Can’t Be Arrested for DUI

One of the most common misconceptions about how to beat a DUI arrest is that if you refuse a breathalyzer test, you can avoid being arrested. In reality, refusing a breathalyzer test is often used as evidence against you in a DUI case.

If you are pulled over on suspicion of DUI, the officer may ask you to take a breathalyzer test. If you refuse, the officer may arrest you and use your refusal as evidence that you were impaired.

In some states, refusing a breathalyzer test can also lead to automatic penalties, such as a license suspension. If you are pulled over on suspicion of DUI, it is best to cooperate with the officer and take the breathalyzer test.

Only Hard Liquor Will Get You Arrested for DUI

The common myth that only hard liquor will get you arrested for driving under the influence is just that, a myth. In reality, any type of alcohol can impair your ability to safely operate a vehicle.

DUI laws are designed to protect the public from drivers who are too impaired to drive safely, regardless of the type of alcohol they have consumed, and they will also have DUI arrest records.

If you are pulled over, and the officer believes you are too impaired to drive, you can be arrested for DUI, even if you have only had a few drinks.

Myth-Busting Common Stories About DUI Arrests

Overall, it is clear that there are several myths about DUI arrests that have been busted by this article. It is always better to fact-check and make sure what you know or hear is true. This is always best practice when it comes to anything so that you’re safe and can avoid inconveniences.

So, before venturing out and doing something, be sure to fact-check. You never know. It might just save you time.

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