
Common Industrial Pump Repairs



Have you experienced issues with industrial pumps? They are intricate pieces of machinery so a problem can be catastrophic. Many problems can occur with pumps. From incorrect repairs by third-party providers to unexplainable failures.

When industrial pumps have issues, you must resolve them. Remote access pumps allow for industrial pump repairs in the field. Industrial pumping demands an expert to address failures immediately.

Here is a guide to the issues affecting pumps and why they occur.

Replacing Seals, Valves, Pumps, and Motors

It is often done using specialized tools. It is to ensure that the components are in perfect working order. Some common repairs include maintaining the pump’s internal lubrication system, replacing filters, and adjusting static or dynamic pressures.

All these repairs are necessary to ensure that the pump operates efficiently and effectively. Regular maintenance and repairs are essential for ensuring the pump’s long-term success. This avoids any downtime or serious malfunctions that could result in costly repairs.

Checking for Fluid Leaks

When a pump leaks fluid, it cannot circulate the fluid needed for effective operation. To inspect for fluid leaking in a pump, you must drain the area of any trapped fluid. To ensure there is no back-flow of fluid in the pump.

Once depleted, you should examine the external seals and other connecting parts for signs of wear or tear. Check for any foreign elements such as dust or dirt.

Cleaning and Priming Pumps

Perform the repair to ensure that the pump is functioning. Removing dirt, debris, or other material that has built up on or near the pump over time is often necessary to clean a pump. The next step is to prime the pump.

This process helps to ensure that the pump has a continuous flow of liquid. Priming involves filling the pump cavity with a small amount of liquid and rotating the pump parts to force the fluid through the system.

Calibrate Pressure Gauges

Pressure gauges help to measure the pressure inside a container. They need to be regularly calibrated to ensure proper operation. If the pressure gauge is not calibrated correctly, it may not accurately measure what is happening inside the container.

To calibrate the pressure gauge, technicians will use a standard reference pressure. They will also need an adjustable screw, locking device, and a reference correction device.

Replace Bearings or Shafts

This repair requires the removal of the pump from its housing to gain access to the components. Once the pump has been removed, the worn bearings and shafts must be replaced using new parts.

It is essential to ensure the size and type of parts match the original components. The pump should then be reassembled, ensuring all nuts and bolts are tightly secured.

Houghton International provides a wide range of services, including pump repairs and replacement, making it easy to get necessary parts and repairs. If your industrial pump isn’t working as it should be, find out more about our pump repair services today, and kindly visit this website for more info:

The Importance of Pump Repairs on Industrial Pump Systems

Maintaining your industrial pumps is essential to keep them running efficiently and safely. You can avoid costly damage and replacement parts by conducting regular inspections and pump repairs as needed.

If your industrial pump is broken, you might decide that a professional is your best bet. Luckily, we’re there to go over your options with you. Get in touch, and we’ll mend your pump as soon as possible! Visit all our blogs about pumping repairs for more.


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