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Clairvoyance by telephone with a clairvoyant



A direct clairvoyance experience with a clairvoyant told by one of our consultants:
“Foresight, I didn’t ask myself whether I believed in it or not. My life was simple then. My motto in life boiled down to two things: step back to jump better and go for it. When I was a child, with my brothers and I, we never had anyone’s help, we were always united, we stuck together for everything and in all circumstances, and “we rushed into the pile” as my oldest brother. Our mother left us when I was only 3 years old, sudden death due to breast cancer. Dad wasn’t always there, so my three brothers took care of me, they were the three musketeers, and I was D’Artagnan as a girl! What we had been through and endured together brought us all together and shaped my character. As teenagers, we knew how to keep this unity, this strength that brought us together; it must be said that we had the same astrological sign: lions! One day, during a carnival, by game we consulted our future by the intervention of the clairvoyant who was reading the tarots in a tent, by the draws that we made, she predicted to us that like the phoenix which was reborn from its ashes, we will be reborn again. I never quite understood what she meant at that moment. »This kind of overwhelming telephone clairvoyance is commonplace at and the testimonies of many reassured and grateful people.
Continued :
“Our father was a market gardener, he took care of the deliveries himself with his truck and scoured all the neighboring departments. He had two associates, fairly young and inexperienced, whom he complains about all the time, but whom he could not part with. Times were tough, he worked from morning till night, and when he had a stroke he continued to work and gave orders on his bed. We were desperate, vexed to see him hobbling around in his room. From one day to the next, he had become an old man, which made us very sad. His associates quickly wanted him to sell his share, but he categorically refused, because as he said, he trusted us to resume his activity. At that time, I was 18, a student and proud of myself, my brothers started helping Dad. I remembered what the psychic told us years ago, so I approached them, we discussed together what we were going to do. A strength and a great dynamism have animated us, we have taken up the family torch and this has really succeeded for us until now where our company is one of the largest suppliers on the Côte d’Azur. Today, I say thank you to this clairvoyant. The clairvoyance she gave us was very important. It is one of the most important encounters of my life. »


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