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Christmas, A Day Of Happiness



Ere the day of Christmas, we see excitement and enthusiasm in homes, streets, neighbourhoods and towns. There is a feeling of bliss and delight all over. Christmas is coming up!

The Christmas tree, with the shining star on the top, is decorated with brilliant colourful lights which streak on and off, catches the eye of the passers-by, especially of the little kids. Christmas songs induce a feeling of euphoria.

“Christmas Christmas Time is near,

   Time for joy and Time for cheer ”

People buy the presents they have picked for their friends and family, a custom that is observed each year. They look for a sumptuous Christmas feast. In addition to other things, there will, without a doubt, be the conventional Christmas turkey, delicious wine, mixed beverages, attractive clothes, decent shoes, and whatever else will add to extravagance, of this day.

Christmas is the banquet of delight. Without a doubt, we have the right, as Christians to rehearse each one of those true delights which Christmas brings. We have been made with both soul and body, and we have the choice to experience the happiness and joy of Christmas both profoundly and substantially.

Why do we do all of this?

The answer falls into place without a hitch: Christmas is coming. The day of ecstasy for young and old. The day that Christ was born. It is the day on which we honour the memorable, spiritual occasion, which changed the course of history. It is the day on which God became man and “made His home among us”. It was the day when the history of humanity was written.

People are encouraged for arranging these old traditions that revisit the hundreds of years, to express their feelings of faith and devotion. Customs, conventions, blissful practices embrace a natural environment.

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