Caring for Your Hearing Aids: Maintenance Tips for Optimal Performance




Hearing aids are valuable devices that play a crucial role in improving the quality of life for individuals with hearing impairments. To ensure that your hearing aids continue to perform optimally, it’s essential to take proper care of them. This blog post will guide you through various maintenance tips that will help you keep your hearing aids in top condition. By following these simple steps, you can enjoy clear and consistent sound quality, extend the lifespan of your hearing aids, and reduce the likelihood of needing costly repairs.

Cleaning Your Hearing Aids

Daily Cleaning Routine

Regular cleaning is one of the most important aspects of hearing aid maintenance. Here’s a daily cleaning routine you can follow:

  • Remove Earwax: Use a soft brush or hearing aid pick to gently remove any accumulated earwax or debris from the hearing aid’s sound outlet and microphone.
  • Wipe Down the Surface: Use a clean, dry cloth or tissue to wipe down the surface of the hearing aids, removing any dirt or sweat.
  • Inspect Tubing and Connections: Check the tubing and connections for any signs of blockage or damage. Clear any obstructions with a hearing aid cleaning tool if necessary.
  • Check for Moisture: Ensure there is no moisture inside the battery compartment. Leave the battery compartment open overnight to allow any accumulated moisture to evaporate.

Weekly Cleaning Routine

In addition to daily cleaning, it’s advisable to perform a more thorough cleaning on a weekly basis:

  • Remove and Clean Ear Molds: If your hearing aids have ear molds, remove them and clean them separately using warm, soapy water. Rinse thoroughly and let them dry before reattaching.
  • Replace Wax Filters: Many hearing aids have wax filters that need regular replacement. Follow the manufacturer’s guidelines for changing these filters, typically every 1-3 months.
  • Inspect for Cracks or Damage: Carefully inspect your hearing aids for any cracks or physical damage. If you notice any issues, contact your hearing healthcare professional for assistance.

Changing Batteries

Battery Types

Hearing aids commonly use disposable batteries, which are available in different sizes and colors to match your specific hearing aid model. The most common battery sizes are:

  • Size 10 (Yellow): Smallest and typically used for in-the-ear hearing aids.
  • Size 312 (Brown): Slightly larger and suitable for various hearing aid styles.
  • Size 13 (Orange): Larger and often used in behind-the-ear hearing aids.
  • Size 675 (Blue): Largest and typically used for high-power hearing aids.

Battery Replacement Tips

Here are some tips for replacing your hearing aid batteries effectively:

  • Always Carry Spare Batteries: Make it a habit to carry spare batteries with you, especially when you’re away from home. Running out of battery can be inconvenient, so it’s best to be prepared.
  • Change Batteries in a Clean Environment: To avoid contaminating the battery or hearing aid, change batteries in a clean and dry environment.
  • Wait Before Closing the Battery Compartment: After inserting a new battery, wait a few minutes before closing the battery compartment. This allows the battery to activate fully and ensures optimal performance.
  • Dispose of Used Batteries Properly: Used hearing aid batteries should be disposed of in an environmentally friendly manner. Many hearing aid clinics and audiologists have battery recycling programs.

Protecting Your Hearing Aids

Moisture and Humidity

Moisture is one of the biggest enemies of hearing aids. Here’s how you can protect your devices from moisture and humidity:

  • Use a Hearing Aid Dehumidifier: Consider using a hearing aid dehumidifier, especially in humid climates. These devices help remove moisture from your hearing aids overnight.
  • Avoid Swimming or Showering with Hearing Aids: Remove your hearing aids before swimming, showering, or participating in water-related activities. If your hearing aids do get wet, dry them thoroughly before use.

Extreme Temperatures

Extreme temperatures, whether hot or cold, can also impact the performance of your hearing aids:

  • Avoid Extreme Heat: Never leave your hearing aids in a hot car or exposed to direct sunlight for extended periods. Excessive heat can damage the internal components.
  • Protect from Cold Weather: In cold weather, keep your hearing aids close to your body to maintain their temperature. Extreme cold can affect battery life and performance.

Physical Damage

To prevent physical damage to your hearing aids, consider the following:

  • Use a Protective Case: When not in use, store your hearing aids in a protective case to shield them from accidental drops or impacts.
  • Be Careful with Ear Molds: If your hearing aids have custom ear molds, handle them gently to avoid deformation or damage.

Storing Your Hearing Aids

Proper Storage Practices

Proper storage is essential to safeguard your hearing aids when they’re not in use. Follow these storage practices:

  • Turn Off Your Hearing Aids: When you’re not using your hearing aids, turn them off to conserve battery life and prevent accidental feedback or noise.
  • Store in a Dry, Cool Place: Choose a storage location that is dry, cool, and away from direct sunlight. Avoid leaving them in the bathroom, as humidity can be high.
  • Keep Them Away from Children and Pets: Hearing aids are small and can be tempting to children and pets. Store them out of reach to prevent accidental damage or ingestion.

Traveling with Hearing Aids

Traveling with hearing aids requires a bit of extra care. Here are some tips for hassle-free travel:

  • Carry Spares: When traveling, carry spare batteries, cleaning tools, and any necessary accessories in a travel case.
  • Pack a Hearing Aid Kit: Create a small kit that includes spare parts, such as wax filters, tubing, and a cleaning brush. This can be a lifesaver if you encounter issues while on the go.
  • Bring Documentation: If you’re traveling by air, keep your hearing aid documentation handy, as some airports may require additional screening for these devices.

Regular Maintenance Check

Professional Maintenance

While daily and weekly cleaning routines are essential, it’s also crucial to schedule regular professional maintenance with your hearing healthcare provider. They can:

  • Perform In-Depth Cleaning: Professionals have specialized tools and equipment to perform thorough cleaning, removing any accumulated debris or wax that you might miss at home.
  • Check for Issues: Your audiologist can identify and address any technical issues or wear and tear that may require repair or adjustment.
  • Ensure Proper Fit: Over time, the fit of your hearing aids may change. Professionals can make necessary adjustments to ensure they fit comfortably and securely.

DIY Troubleshooting

In between professional appointments, there are some troubleshooting steps you can take if you experience issues with your hearing aids:

  • Check the Battery: Ensure the battery is properly inserted and has charge. Replace it if necessary.
  • Inspect for Blockages: Check for any blockages in the tubing or sound outlet that may be affecting sound quality.
  • Verify Settings: Make sure your hearing aids are set to the correct program and volume level.
  • Clean Thoroughly: If you notice decreased sound quality, perform a thorough cleaning following the daily and weekly routines mentioned earlier.


Caring for your hearing aids is essential for maintaining their performance and extending their lifespan. By following the maintenance tips outlined in this blog post, you can enjoy clear and consistent sound quality while minimizing the risk of costly repairs. Remember to clean your hearing aids daily and weekly, change batteries as needed, protect them from moisture, extreme temperatures, and physical damage, store them properly, and schedule regular professional maintenance checks. With proper care, your hearing aids will continue to enhance your hearing and quality of life for years to come.


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