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Can Adults Benefit from Orthodontic Braces?



Can Adults Benefit from Orthodontic Braces?

Are you an adult who’s thinking about getting braces? You’re not alone! Today, more and more adults are discovering the potential benefits of orthodontic treatment. Orthodontic treatment for adults can be customized to give you the results you’re after, whether it’s a subtle smile correction or a drastic change.

Orthodontic care for adults is gaining popularity for a number of reasons. Many adults are experiencing crowding or spacing problems that affect their ability to speak, chew properly, and brush their teeth properly. A Cumming, GA pediatric orthodontist can correct these problems and even develop new solutions. Orthodontic treatment for adults ensures that your smile is healthy and will last a lifetime.

Let us now look into the benefits of orthodontic braces for adults.

  1. Reduction in general tooth decay

An adult who receives braces will see a reduction in tooth decay due to the palatability and accessibility of the teeth. Braces are very gentle on the teeth, causing less stress to the jaw bones, and therefore reducing stress on the teeth themselves.

  1. Decreased likelihood of developing periodontal disease

The overall health of the patient will improve, and orthodontic treatment for adults can decrease the chances of developing gum disease. Adults with gum disease can benefit from orthodontics for a number of reasons. For example, facial features such as lips and jaws will be less affected by orthodontic treatments.

  1. Decreased risk of tooth injury

An adult with braces will have greater protection for their teeth because orthodontic treatment will correct an improper bite. Orthodontic treatment for adults is perfect for patients who suffer from malocclusion or aberrant tooth movement.

  1. Reduction in digestive disorders

Having crooked teeth can easily cause digestion problems when trying to eat. An adult with braces will have less time dealing with digestive disorders and more time enjoying life. You can eat more comfortably with braces and enjoy a better smile overall.

  1. Improved ability to speak clearly

An adult with braces can enjoy an improvement in speech and clarity of the voice simply because their teeth will be properly aligned for easy articulation. When teeth are aligned properly, the airway will open wider, and you can breathe more efficiently.

