
Business Advice: Who Do You Listen To?



The internet has given way to a great number of innovations that many would classify as positive. One such example is the sheer multitude of voices and opinions that you have access to – though, even this could be considered a double-edged sword. In business, you might want to understand your best course of action, but which voice among many is worth listening to?

Getting to the bottom of this is going to require at least a couple of considerations. First of all, the specific nature of your own business, as well as the inherent subjectivity of which outlets you find useful.

General Experts?

As with any topic from investment to fitness, there will be popular and famous experts in the field of business who some consider to be gurus on the matter. Different people are going to have different areas of expertise, but should you give these people your attention?

It’s difficult to be general here as many might have advice that is worthwhile and sensible from a variety of perspectives. However, it’s just important that you understand that even the best advice won’t always be applicable to your situation. You have to understand exactly how to extract useful, actionable wisdom in a way that you can apply in your own situation – or you might end up religiously following a certain advice-giver even though it doesn’t make sense for your brand.

Personalized Advice?

Much of the time, you might find it far more useful to have advice that is strictly given about your business. After all, all of your circumstances come together to paint a picture that is entirely unique, no matter how similar your brand might feel to your competitors. You have your own financial situation, your own team size, your own costs, your own working structure – as well as any other number of variables.

For that reason, you might investigate hiring accountants, HR consultants, and security experts to guide you through the process. In the case of the latter, you might even find that just being able to contact them whenever you need them through a managed detection and response service can help you to feel more confident about your business security.

Previous Industry Heads

If you aren’t quite at the stage yet where you can afford to hire all of these different experts to have on-hand, however, you might turn to the past success stories within your industries. What have they done that led them to where they are today? Can you learn from them?

In this case, it’s important to learn the right lessons. Copying something exactly obviously won’t guarantee a good result for you. You need to take the lesson that an action teaches and learn to translate that through your own business, put your own spin on it that can result in the same kind of success. Everyone is trying to be the next [insert big name here], but you’re trying to carve out a name for your brand that can help you stand alongside those titans.


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