BMI Calculator



BMI Calculator or Body Mass Index, is a measurement of a person’s body fat. It is calculated by dividing the person’s height by the square of their weight. There are numerous BMI health categories that represent the amount of fat in your body as well as your risk of getting illnesses such as Type 2 Diabetes. As a result, it is critical to calculate your BMI using a BMI Calculator. The BMI is used to determine whether a person has a healthy body weight for their height. Specifically, the BMI calculation result can be used to determine whether a person is underweight, normal weight, overweight, or obese based on where the value falls within a given range. These BMI levels vary by geography and age and are frequently divided into subcategories such as extremely underweight or severely obese. Being overweight or underweight can have serious health consequences, BMI can be an accurate measure of healthy body weight.

BMI Ranges

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, there are various categories of BMI a person can fall into and they are listed below-

BMI Less Than 18.5- If you are in this range, you are underweight.

BMI From 18.5 to 24.0 – if you are in this range, you are in the healthy weight range

BMI From 25.0 to 29.9 – If you are in this range, you are overweight

BMI equal to or higher than 30 – If you are in this range, you are obese.

Delimitations of BMI

For a variety of reasons, the traditional BMI chart has some limitations.. As a result, it’s critical not to place too much focus on your BMI.

Although the BMI chart can be erroneous for certain people, healthcare providers still use it because it is the quickest tool for estimating a person’s projected body fat percentage.

BMI does not distinguish between lean body mass (the weight of fat in your body) and fat mass. As a result, a person with a high BMI can have a very low-fat mass and vice versa.

Adults assigned male at birth and adults assigned female at birth utilize the same BMI chart, despite the fact that adults assigned female at birth often have more body fat than adults assigned male at birth. For both adults and children, BMI is a reliable indication of body fat up to some extent. BMI does not directly measure body fat, it should not be utilized as a diagnostic tool but BMI should be utilized to track population weight status and as a risk factor.

Individuals can use this screening tool to discover potential weight problems.

BMI does not consider age or gender so a woman with the same BMI has more body fat than a male. Similarly, an older person has more body fat than a younger one with the same BMI.

For these reasons, BMI may not provide the level of detail required to assess if a person’s weight is healthy.


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