Benefits of Clear Aligners Over Traditional Braces



Clear aligners, such as Invisalign, are intended to invisibly fix crooked and irregularly gapped teeth. The aligners can also be used to fix underbites in teens and adults. Clear aligners Tomball provides benefits over regular braces. The most significant advantage is that they are nearly undetectable, so no one but you and your specialist will know you are straightening your teeth.

1.      They are convenient

Clear aligners may be removed and stored in a case while dining, allowing you to eat whatever you want, unlike traditional braces, which limit your menu selections to items that are not hard, chewy, or brittle.

2.      You will be less susceptible to chronic diseases and injuries

Misaligned teeth can be harmful to your dental and general health. Crooked teeth may grind against one another, resulting in enamel damage. Also, your protruding teeth can hurt the interior of your mouth, generating discomfort. Misaligned teeth can cause speech problems and headaches.

3.      You will know what to anticipate

Patients who use Invisalign® follow a computerized treatment plan. As a result, they will know exactly what to expect and how long the procedure would take for their entire smile makeover. The treatment regimen is less rigid with metal braces, and the eventual result may be more difficult to anticipate.

4.      Treatment time can be reduced

When it comes to operation time, clear aligners can shorten treatment time in half when compared to metal braces. Clear aligners may often correct your alignment problem in as little as twelve months; however, traditional metal braces can take up to two years. Only your dentist can adequately counsel you and offer a treatment time estimate based on your specific alignment difficulties.

5.      Maintaining good dental hygiene is simpler

Aside from the ability to remove the aligners when eating, another advantage of removable clear aligners is the ability to fully clean your gums, teeth, and other dental components. You won’t have to struggle to maneuver your toothbrush around delicate wires and brackets if you use removable aligners.

6.      You avoid the usual pitfalls of metal brace

Metal braces have a number of adverse effects that transparent aligners do not. Traditional metal brace wearers encounter the following issues:

·         Flossing obstacles: It’s no secret that flossing teeth that are braced with metal brackets and wires is difficult, frequently leading to frustrated young patients giving up flossing entirely while their braces are on (which leads to a whole host of other tooth decay-related issues). However, clear aligners are removed for brushing and flossing, eliminating this problem – so you can floss unhindered.

·         Oral Abrasion: Abrasion-type injuries to the mouth’s interior caused by broken brackets and wires popping loose are a typical problem for many people who wear metal braces. Clear aligners eliminate this problem because there are no brackets or wires to worry about.

Straightening your teeth with clear aligners benefits your smile and oral health. Clear aligners operate by progressively repositioning the teeth, resulting in a beautiful smile. However, having straight teeth is also beneficial to dental health. Call Russell Family Dentistry to schedule your appointment today to learn whether you are an ideal candidate for clear aligners.


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